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servicing & brake disk replacement


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I have just bought a 2000 A8 4.2 LWB. It has done 59k and the on-board computer check tells me a service is due. 1) Is there a schedule available of things to do? 2) Although they appear little worn, I think the front brakes discs may be warped - a shudder can be felt through the car under breaking. I am perfectly happy with the stopping power of the brakes i.e. not lusting after AP Racing or even drilled / grooved, but wonder what is proving to be the best/most reliable make of standard type disc / pad? 3) What's the general view on changing all the transmission oils i.e. preventative maintenance? Any advice from Forum members much appreciated.


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The handbook should tell you everything thats needs doing for the service. Has it had a timing belt change? With that mileage and age its coming to that sort of time.

Check some of the recent threads on gearboxs for all the info you need on the oil & filter change - single most important thing to get done!

Procedure can be found here - http://www.audipages.com/Tech_Articles/auto_transmission/autotranservicing.html

Hope you have fun with it!

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Again, many thanks for the practical info regarding brakes and the supply of the maintenance schedule. It's really good to know that this level of support is available. My A8 is certainly going to get a good birthday present. BTW my car is racing green and the interior is fitted out with extra brown leather and Alcantara. It is also debadged. I expect the original purchaser was an enthusiast too.


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