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Xede Version 1.5 software has reached 400bhp!


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I have got to send my unit back, it will have a new eprom fitted and then I can download from home.

The lines are blue for corrected (air temp or something) and the red is for actual, or the other way round, something like that anyway.

The bottom lines are torque.

However, looks like I am going to sell the 335i. Not through choice, but through need. But it is an awesome, awesome car, better than anything else I have owned including the CSL and I will be back in another before the end of the year.

So if anyone wants an Xede upgraded to the latest version, £550, or if anyone wants a 335i M-Sport touring £32500! grin.gifgrin.gif

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I need the money to buy some shares in the company, well I should say I need to show the bank I can reduce my monthly out goings so they will lend me the money to buy them. smile.gif

I was going to sell the 120d and keep the 335i and bung £20k into it, reducing the monthly payments to around £100 a month. But I may as well get rid of the 335i, pay off the 120d completely and buy Fiona an MX-5, that alone saves £850 a month which is a substantial saving.

In 6 months I will be able to get something else again, but for now I have to be sensible, might not bother advertising it until I get back from Italy next month though, those alpine roads are crying out for the 335i. wink.gif

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282bhp at the wheel.

Isn't the 306bhp at the crank with approx. 15% drivetrain loss? So that works out around 325bhp, or have I got that wrong?

The RS4 on that site gets 345bhp compared to its rating of 414bhp, now with a drivetrain loss of 15% that would be around 395bhp, with a 20% loss because of the four wheel drive that is bang on 414bhp.

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