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Disaster stuck today......


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Going to work i got flooded by a large wave, hence water up the air intakes ect ect ect... Engine conked out and the roadside assist verdict is that i might be lucky and a change of spark plugs might be all that is needed to get things going again but if its all ruined inside then a new engine might be my only option UHOH7.GIF

Anyone got a reasonable ball park figure on how much im looking at if i cant screw it out of the insurance people?

Any ideas much appreciated 169144-ok.gif

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Insurance company should pay up, looks as if there will be loads of claims due to flooding

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Im hoping it wont come to that but lets hope they wont make my life a misery to get it sorted. To be honest though ive spent about 8 hours in and around my stricken car today waiting for help and my sympathy goes out to anyone affected like some around where i eventually abandoned my car. Their houses were swimming in water and effluent, horrible frown.gif. Was quite concerned about the number of children being allowed out to play/swim in the disgusting water though. Quite irresponsible of the parents i thought. UHOH7.GIF

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Reall sorry to hear that, but your insurance should pay out.

Think i remeber hearing that a new r32 engine is like 6.5k, and the maazing bit is that the w12 650 is only 5k frown.gif

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Thanks Pomme 169144-ok.gif

Considering what youve just said i think ill get VW to chuck one of them in instead then yelrotflmao.gif

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Insurer should cover the damage with no problems. Has any contaminated water gone into the interior?


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No im very fortunate about that as a passer-by helped me push the car 50yds or so onto a bit that was on slightly higher ground. Apart from the drivers mat which will have to be ditched (i have a spare luckily) the inside is ok. That said, i have had to abandon it and if any toe rags break in then that might not be true tomorrow but i cant worry about it especially as people have been evacuated from their houses. At least im typing this infront of a warm fire with a beer 169144-ok.gif

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Really sorry to hear the news mate. I hope the damage is negligible, and if not am sure there will be a pay out. A local river near to me burst its banks this afto and was lucky to get through... very slowly, heard on the news it flooded the roads and nearby homes later on tho. Good luck 169144-ok.gif

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Sorry to here that tspar .... and one of those fast silver ones too 169144-ok.gif

Sure it cant have done too much damage once dried out ?

If they drain and replace all the fluids how much damage can it do ? if you hit a puddle on the motorway it gets a fair old blast. If you did go in deep enough to suck in water hopefully it's not in there long enough to do any lasting damage 169144-ok.gif

.....assuming you avoided the Tesco trolly fromthe river bed ! grin.gif

Best of luck 169144-ok.gif

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Not good frown.gif - Hope it just needs a good dry out (although lord only knows when we'll get the weather for that).


Think i remeber hearing that a new r32 engine is like 6.5k, and the maazing bit is that the w12 650 is only 5k frown.gif

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I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest by the £6k figure - at least for one from VW. Even something small but possibly a bit more complicated (like a CTR) is plenty 'o cash, probably in the same ball park.

However, I can't believe for one minute that the W12 is only 5k - put anything between a 1 and a 5 in front and I'd believe that number.

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erk sorry to hear that tspar. I have a friend at work who drove through a puddle last year in a v6 406 coupe PUG, sucked water in and bent everything. Ended up writing off the car!

Presumably if the engine has sucked in water, only the head and con-rods/pistons would be damaged? Where is the "expensive" bit in the R32 lump? The block wouldn't be damaged at all would it? Rebuild it with low compression parts and use it as an excuse to fit a blower.

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If an engine has sucked in water its usually game over as water doesnt compress much, bent con rods if your lucky, cracked block if your not.

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Not managed to get a definitive as the road is still cordoned off by the police but she is looking lonely ! crazy.gif


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Sorry to hear your news Tspar. As above you should be allowed to retrieve your property.

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Well the engine is knackered chaps (or so suspected) and they wouldnt let the mechanics down to have a look. Latest is that the water has cleared they have opened the road again and it cant be fixed at the road side so is being recovered by full loader tomorrow and being taken to a garage to assess the damage. We will see what tomorrow brings. Will keep you all posted. Thanks for the support 169144-ok.gif

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