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Radio Code


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Hi Joylove!

Not sure about if you will need the code but I know that if you DO need to obtain it Audi is the only place to get it from if it didn't come with the manual when you bought the car. I hear it can be quite fussy as it's all stored centrally with Audi and I haven't heard of anyone (correct me if i'm wrong) being able to just read it with any software. I think my manual says that the dealer should be able to provide it 'free of charge' though so hopefully that's a plus...

- Oli

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Don't know where you're based but I went to Audi in Chester, they removed it, checked the code, slotted it part way in so I could remove it again without tools all for free while I waited (and did it at the end of the day as I was on my way home)! 169144-ok.gif

On the other hand Audi in Stockport wanted me to book the car in, wanted it left all day and would probably have charged me if I'd let them go any further... fekr.gifdung.gif

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They *need* the serial number from the unit to get the code. They shuld then probably do some sort of check to ensure you are authorised to request the code, which can be done through booking it in, checking Vin number etc, or perhaps if you just have a local dealer you're friendly with.

However, a lot of the Delta units aren't coded - If it hasn't got code written in small red letters on it, you should be safe. Most of the deltas we've seen havent needed codes. Pre 1997 will probably be non coded....

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  • 2 weeks later...

That is definitely taking the p155.... Chester Audi got mine for me while I waited and for free. Took them less than 5 minutes.

Stockport Audi on the other hand had wanted me to book the car in (I didn't let them go any further as I already knew Chester Audi would do it while I waited!).

Ring around and see what the other dealers say.

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