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Checking download data amount.


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Looking at moving isp at the relevant time in a couple of months, and before I start hunting for which deal to go for I'd like to know what sort of useage we have at the moment. Is there any way of checking how much we're using at the moment so that I can aim for a similar package? Current ISP is EzeeDSL (part of Tiscali).

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Well, our network doesn't transfer data between computers, they all just use the router for their own internet connection. Would DUMeter just show the total internet data traffic in this case?

Edit: Just been reading up a little about it. So I install it on all the computers and it measures each one. Then I total the amounts to see what useage we've got in a month (or other timeframe).

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Ask them. I did the same with my previous ISP Pipex. (Tiscali bought Pipex) I made up a story that i was looking to change down packages, and could they confirm my average usage.

My current ISP, IDNET, who I highly recommend, have usage data available to every user once logged into their website.

If Idnet takes your fancy, drop me a pm as they run a referal system. 169144-ok.gif

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I was just going to start a new thread asking if anyone could recommend an ISP. grin.gif

My current ISP has a facility on the user control panel to show a graph of usage over the last 7. 14. or 28 days. Except like all their crap, it doesn't show anything. Just a blank graph.

Briefly, what cost is your package and how does it compare to my requirements

<ul type="square"> [*]2meg speed [*]unlimited downloads [*]webspace (which doesn't work) [*]Unlimited email addresses (again, my personal email addresses don't work but their own ones do) [*]Last years cost was £220 odd [*]National rate telephone line for customer support

I've given up trying to speak to customer support on the phone, as Gupta doesn't speak English and I don't speak Indian. crazy.gif

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Thats the package im on 169144-ok.gif

I used to have a Pipex unlimied service, and thought i needed it, but in reality, I dont. I "only" have a 5gb download cap, but i have never hit it. If i did it would cost £1 a GB. So i would have to spend a regular extra £7 a month top up to make it worth going for the next level up at £24.99.

Why it works for me , UK customer service, staffed by less than a handful of people, including the owners, you can ask for by name. A relaible and speedy connection that just works. They dont overload their network, so speeds are consistantly high.

They only do broadband, and they do it well. I could get it cheaper than £17.99 a month, but i wouldnt want to sacrifice the service i am receiving.

Refer-a-friend Broadband offer

Here is a random comparrison against some of the more popular ISPs

Some of the larger ISP's compared to Idnet.

Even Zen is playing catch up. grin.giftongue.gif

or pick your own selection of ISPs from this list at random and see how IDNET fair 169144-ok.gif,

Pick your own comparrison

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You could install something like dumeter on your machine - that'll tell you how much data has been transferred but if you're transferring stuff over the LAN it will include that data too.

[/ QUOTE ]

I installed one of these on my machine once after it had been on without a reboot for almost a month.

I was a bit surprised when it said I'd transfered over 2TB of data, until I remembered that I stream all my music, films, etc off my server crazy.gif

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Well, 24 hours into a test on just my computer, and I've run up 452Mb of data transfer. The wife and 2 kids computers I haven't checked either, so adding theirs into the equation means that I'll be looking at rather more than 5gig a week, never mind a month. EEK2.GIF

Might have to go for the Home Max deal and hope we don't run over that limit. SAUER0421.GIF

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