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Apple Airport Extreme Help


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Just ditched ADSL and gone for WiMAX broadband. VFast Linky

Anyway, changed routers and as I use a 24" iMAC at home, bought a ew Airport Extreme Gigabit router.

However, Im not sure if it's causing my PS3 a ROUTING/PORTING problem. Been playing BURNOUT this morning and it keep bombing out the connection. Downloads work fine and fast, the suggestion from the game is to check that the router is passing the connection properly.

I know how to open ports on a Netgear, Vigor etc... but the Airport is a bit different.

I've assigned the PS3 a static DCHP IP address, and found a box that kind of sounded like a DMZ entry... so added the PS3 IP address to it. In the Airport setup screen INTERNET, NAT, "Enable default host at:" box.

Anyone with experience with the Apple routers ?


Paul "not yet up to speed with Mac's" Biscuits 169144-ok.gif

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