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How Wil This Work With the 8's Windscreen?


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Yet another tax on the evil, baby killing, climate destroying without a care, probably involved in terrorism motorist.

When will he learn that if he wants to go to work that he is evil, and should pay through the nose for the privilege?

Revolt, Resign, Sign on! Be a pussy to the Governments' handouts so they can fully control the voting!

In answer to the OP, if there is no IR filter on the screen the camera will work fine.

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Personally I think this is a much better idea than congestion charging all vehicles. Where is the sense in charging a full people carrier £25 and yet letting 7 Smarts in for free given the congestion of the 7 cars is worse than the single people carrier?

If it reduces the number of cars on the road in the rush hour I'm all for it (and will happily share my vehicle with anyone who wants to join me on a reciprocal basis).

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Good point... but there are still parts of the country with no 'congestion' charge and with talk of road pricing as well then multiple occupancy is a fairer way to determine tax liability rather than a blanket tax based purely on emissions with no allowances for overall environmental impact.

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I pay my "Emmisions Tax" via Fuel Duty don't I?

I'm not being facetious with you particularly, I don't support any more taxes or charges on the motorist, in any form.

I know that a road pricing, congestion charge and occupancy tax will be bought in at an "affordable" price, and then hoisted up (£8 a day anyone?!) to further fleece the soft target motorist.

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