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Audi badge...


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Some ****** stole the audi badge(the 4 rings) of the front of my A4 (B7 Special Edition). Looking at the car now, you can see that the badge only clips in so is fairly easy to remove.

When I asked my local Audi dealer for a replacement, they said I needed to pay £300 + VAT to get a replacement because you can't order the badge by itself. Apparently you need to buy the whole front grill again.

I think that's ridiculous - I could understand if it was soldered on, but considering it's only a clip on badge I think thats extortionate!

Anyone know any place I can get hold of one of these? I've tried e-bay but can only find badges for the B6 A4 - I'm not sure if they are the same, any ideas?


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Well they are correct, you cannot buy just the rings for the, I have just thrown my old one away with a set of rings on it. It may have fitted, but it was for an A8.

Anyway, about the price, they are wrong, the grill costs between £92 and £102 depending on which one you want. I'm sure you could get at least 10% off or even try VAG PARTS for a replacement, they are usually cheaper.

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When I asked my local Audi dealer for a replacement, they said I needed to pay £300 + VAT to get a replacement because you can't order the badge by itself.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well the bloke next door to me has the same car, so I'm tempted to pop over there tonight, after dark, and 'borrow' his.

Yours for £250 including postage!



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Thanks all for your responses...

sidicks, it's funny you mention your neighbours car - it's amazing how many Audi A4's I notice now while walking around, including my neighbours! I must admit, the thought has crossed my mind!!!

It transpires that the £300 odd is for the grill and labour - as someone pointed out in an earlier post, the front bumper has to come off. Obviously I told Audi where to go...

Apparently, the mrs knows someone who works for VW that can get hold of the grill at near cost price - about £50 he reckons. I'll probably go for that, take the badge off it and stick it on my car.

If anyone needs a grill (without the badge) for a B7 A4 then let me know!!!

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