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weird ticking noise in the passenger foot well?


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any ideas what it might be? it stops when i stop the car to try and find out where its coming from. sounds almost electrical like a short or something. or imagine a dry leaf stuck in one of the blowers. is there anything under the glove box area that would do this?

turning of the climate control makes no diffrence so im confident its not blower related.

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The little motors that move the heater air around sometimes strip their gears.

When you turn it off they try to close then periodically try to close again.

Try turning on the climate and adjusting the seting for the air direction manually.

Not much help I know, but it's an easy test.

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  • 3 weeks later...


I've got the same problem (ticking noise). I agree with JoyLove; i've sussed out that it is the climate control. If I over-ride "auto" and turn-off driver's footwell airflow then "tickig" stops; so ut must be the gear clicking.

Is it any east (relatively cheap) job repair ?

Daz 67

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