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Playing burned CD's


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Can anyone help ?

I have got a lot of my music on my i-tunes library. I burned some songs onto a CD-RW disc and put in 6-CD stack in A8; error message (it won't play). The same discs play in other car CD drives ?

i-tunes are generally "mp4a" files - can you convert (does anyone know how to) to other extention ? I put a burned CD a friend gave me; it played no problem. The files are "cda" So is it - the CD-RW quality or the files extention ?

Daz 169144-ok.gif

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  • 1 year later...

The stacker in my 2003 D3 doesn't seem to want to play either??? I've burned a heap of songs from my iTunes library (m4a and mp3 format) onto a CD-R but the disc is just greyed out. The stacker sees a disc in there but won't play anything. Any ideas?


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