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I think the pure BIO diesels and not the blends are very bad for modern common rail diesels but I could be wrong I think someone on here is running his on something different. The reason its not a good thing to use in a modern engine is they work by firing fuel in very fine particles from the jets and if they get clogged its game over.

Older non common rail diesels are the way to go if you want to use pure chipfat type bio. 169144-ok.gif

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cheers for responses. ill have to do some more research on the topic, 115p per litre of diesel is driving me to alternatives. im wondering since my diesel engine is the 150bhp version and not the newest type would it be any more successful, i know vw audi encourage biodiesel. i understand the concern over clogging so if i do won be buying from some backstreet garage also working as a chippy!!

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Your 150bhp is a good engine on pure Bio - just make sure you either source it from a reputable supply and you know that is meets the various BS and ISO standards, or buy the kit and make it yourself.

I ran my 2007 320d (210bhp with a remap) on it for 10,000 miles. I actually only stopped because i needed to change the fuel filter and my stepdad was having some quality issues at temp's below -5 degress C (it goes too thick until the engine has run for a short time to return some hot fuel back to the tank). Then i moved house, then i did the bathroom ices_blah.gif Time ticked away.....

Might be going back on it soon, or i might be selling for an old Range Rover diesel to fill and run on pure bio and hump the raw materials around to make / supply my own grin.gif

Myself and my stepdad (well, him really!!!) know pretty much all there is to know. He has been making pure bio for over 3 years now and has been given a chunk of shares in a manufacturing company for free, due to the high-quality training he delivers that subsequently leads to sales of equipment.

Mine ran well on it, but not amazing. It's true the later engines are very very high pressure and the spray pattern from the injectors isnt as fine with bio - especially in winter when the viscosity decreases. But they run just fine - i was about 10% down on power, never really had an issue with this.

I know someone who gets bio from my stepdad who runs a freelander TD4 (same engine as yours, but de-tuned) and he has been on it for over 20,000 miles. ANY VW in the UK can be run and WARRANTIED on bio, some Audis are warrantied (older 2.5TDi), but BMWs are not.

You WILL have to change the fuel filter after c. 2000-5000 miles due to derv leaving carbon deposits everywhere. The bio strips these from the injectors and the engine (it smokes for the first 2 tanks usually) and then it all goes, but the filter gets clogged. Easy change.... 169144-ok.gif

We have a local courier running his van on 100% bio - Renault Traffic - 30,000+ miles in, no ill effects and he even runs it with no fuel filter in the depth of winter!

Niggles are ironed out now in the winter months, BUT it still has a -15deg C freezing point, so it was touch and go over the last few months on some mornings. If you car is garraged, its ok 169144-ok.gif

PS - re DPF's, they run fine, but only up to about a 90-95% bio level. The DPF senses CO2 ommissions and bio has none! So, it throws various wobbles thinking the DPF sensor has gone down. You need a bit of derv to kick out those nasty CO2's for the DPF grin.gif

Any more info, PM me. Where are you in the UK?? If you want, i can put you in touch with my stepdad and you can have a chat to him about equipment / training courses etc.



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thts brilliant Jon, couldnt ask for any more helpful response. thts a relief to know my engine should be accepting of biodiesel. im in Northern Ireland but too far away from ROI border to get their cheap regular diesel!! the next issue is sourcing a reliable batch. wot is the questions i should be asking regardin manufacturing of potential fuel and standards it should meet? as u well know its quite a big decision as you always have the nagging feelin of yur car breaking down a few weeks after using the fuel! also how much are u roughly talking per litre at min from a dealer? thanks again pal really appreciate yur effort


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