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Milton Keynes Meet - Wed 2nd April


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Wednesday 2nd April, 7:30pm for 8pm at the Caldecotte Arms, Milton Keynes.

Well folks, it's that time of the year again and this will be the first meet of the summer (well BST at least - remember to change your clocks at the weekend). I think the plan was to go with monthly meets again from April through to Sep/Oct.

For any newcomers (or old timers that have forgotten it) the Caldecotte Arms pub is by the junction of the A5 and the A4146 right next to the oddly shaped roundabout (keep an eye out for the fake windmill)! Turn left as you pull in and then right along the back of the car park - look out for a group of suspicious looking individuals eyeing up various cars.

The Caldecotte Arms

Bletcham Way


Milton Keynes



01908 366188


Proof that there is light at the end of the tunnel - April 07 meet


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