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A80c Supported Events and Meets


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This sticky will provide information to A8oc members about events and meetings that will be officially supported by the A8oc.

What that means is that I, as events secretary will do all the administration and arrangements to ensure that you the members just has to turn up, park and enjoy.

Activities will be broken down into 3 categories:

Supported Events - Official attendance by A8oc with all admin (where possible) done by the event's secretary. Individuals may have to use the event organisers booking facility to pay entrance charges etc.

Unsupported Events - A8oc members may wish to advertise an event locally that they will attend as individuals but the A8oc will not be represented, although the opportunity to promote that club would be appreciated

Local Meets - Local car club or charity type events that members may wish to draw other members attention to. This is the sort of event that you may wish to attend if you are in the locality. No A8oc formal representation although the opportunity to promote that club may be useful.

Any event's category may change during the run up to to the event if it is deemed in the interest of the club to do so or the momentum is so great as to reach critical mass for formal representation. Of course the converse is also true.

Edited by Figure11
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