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£5K sub for a 'leccy car?


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BBC NEWS | Business | Electric car subsidies unveiled

Any TSN takers for when this hits the streets?

I wonder how many of these points will be vandalised.......... or knocked over by people who can't park.

The RAC et al will need diesel generators to recharge these things when they run out of juice in the middle of nowhere! :roflmao:

[rant mode on] Oh, forgot to add - they are not fecking environmentally friendly!!!!

By the time 2011 come round, hopefully we'd (we = the world) have realised this..... [rant mode off]

Edited by cruiser647
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...they are aiming for a new generation of all electric or plug-in petrol-electric cars, which are expected to go on sale in two years time....

So it will never happen. There are a dozen or more 'dead' companies who were going to have electric cars ready for mass production in 'two years time', but the truth is, no Government incentive can create sufficient market demand for Auto companies to invest in developing and producing a brand new car right now. Ford think anyone ? No ?

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If the government are serious about spending money on tacking the environmental damage caused by motorists rather than headline grabbing they would be looking at alternative measures.

How about

1, Changing the intervals on traffic lights so cars spend less time stationary with their engines on.

2, Encourage manufacturers to develop and build lighter cars in the short term. Change road tax to encourage people to buy a lighter car as well as a car with a smaller engine.

3, More stringent exhaust checks at MOT time and exhaust checks for cars less than 3 years old.

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If the government are serious about spending money on tacking the environmental damage caused by motorists rather than headline grabbing they would be looking at alternative measures.

How about

1, Changing the intervals on traffic lights so cars spend less time stationary with their engines on.

I think this is currently being discussed - there was an article on the BBC website recently

2, Encourage manufacturers to develop and build lighter cars in the short term. Change road tax to encourage people to buy a lighter car as well as a car with a smaller engine.

To some extent this is already happening

3, More stringent exhaust checks at MOT time and exhaust checks for cars less than 3 years old.

Don't agree - new cars are much more efficient than older ones, exhuast checks after 1 year 2 years would not make any difference.



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They could aslo encourage the take up of hydrogen - only minimal or slight changes to a car engine to get it to run on hydrogen.

There's CO2 eating algae they could help develop too.

Both of those above would NOT require massive infrastructure works to be undertaken. Manufacturers wouldn't have to develop nasty batteries for cars neither.

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I know the well versed arguments about how electric cars aren't actually very environmentally friendly as the batteries contain all sorts of toxic chemicals which will need to be disposed of in due course etc etc.

However, if these cars are being charged from the national grid, then although they themselves won't be emitting any C02, surely the bulk of electricity production is from coal-fired power stations which does??

Or are the electric cars only going to be charged using electricity produced from environmentally friendly means such as wind and solar power etc?

Have I missed something obvious?



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Also I believe the manufacturing process for these cars are costly and not green, I recall some article somewhere pointing this out!

Also if you've seen one of the Clarkson video's having a crash ion one of them cars is going to yield a real mess/total loss claim - especially if a table is left laying around!

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