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Broadband setup question


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depends if you don't mind always having your laptop on to access the network!

Also, you'll probably find that connecting straight to your box (router?) with each client PC you'll be able to set up WPA or WEP encryption, whereas if you connect your macs to your laptop I doubt if you'll have the same level of security!

Personally I would connect to the router, giving independence & better security!

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Connect the router to Broadband. In the router config it should tell you that it has a connection, it will give information on IP address, DNS, line speed. Then setup your laptop to connect to the router and make sure you can access the internet, finally go with the Macs. Shouldn't be a problem most of the protocols are now failure mature. Just avoid something like a turbo mode as this would be propriatory and you may have poblems. Start with WEP and then go for WPA if all clients will work with it. Finally, setup MAC addressing filtering and turn off the SSID. This will make your network as secure as you can.

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