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tdi remap


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after my post the other day about a remap for my a3,a couple of people gave the impression that qst wasn't to clever,and amd seem to be the favoured choice amongst you,has anyone else had dealings with qst and what were they like?amd,s a bit of a trek for me,but if qst are a bit suspect then it will have to be amd i think?

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Have a look for a "SuperChips" installer in your area, they are apparently very good, and much cheaper than AMD from what I've seen. I'm currently in the "hmmm I would like a remap but not quite convinced yet" stage, and having looked in to it a fair bit, I would go to Superchips over AMD.

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  • 4 months later...

I had my B7 A4 chipped. Intitaly my local tuners used the superchips program but he was very dissapointed with the results. He then used a Turbochips program which gave around 210bhp but we had some smoking issues, after a few chanes to fueling we ended up around 190bhp with no smoking problems at all. I used a company called SanSpeed in bexley heath and I couldnt be happier.

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I had my B7 A4 chipped. Intitaly my local tuners used the superchips program but he was very dissapointed with the results. He then used a Turbochips program which gave around 210bhp but we had some smoking issues, after a few chanes to fueling we ended up around 190bhp with no smoking problems at all. I used a company called SanSpeed in bexley heath and I couldnt be happier.

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I've used Sanspeed plenty of times and they're very good and very professional. Well worth considering 169144-ok.gif

By the way Barry, how much did your tune cost at Sanspeed? I've got a tdi130 that I fancy getting tweaked but dont want to spend AMD prices on it.

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