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Funniest Clarkson Review ever


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The guy is a genius! notworthy.gif

Funny, clever, and spot on about the car and able to get the message over clearly and readably. Very good.

Particularly liked:


Driving this car is like being wrapped up in a duvet and carried from place to place by a small white cloud.

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grin.gif no doubt its a posh motor Jaffa but comments like this would put me off


At 70mph it’s so silent you can hear your hair growing. Sitting in your garden after a lovely lunch is more frantic. In the cabin you are so isolated from the real world that you get some idea of what it might be like to be dead.

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shocked.gif I prefer a bit more of a live driving feel 169144-ok.gif

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The guy is a literary genius, he's superb.

In my opinion he is quite simply the best motoring writer there has ever been. He's not to everyone's taste I know, but for a blend of wit, sarcasm and genuine 'hit the nail on the head' analogy I think he is head and shoulders above the rest.

As Ari has said, his ability to convey a sense of what something is like in a totally unrelated subject matter reference is incredible.

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In my opinion he is quite simply the best motoring writer there has ever been

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I like his work even when he isn't writing about cars. Most of the book "The world according to Clarkson" isn't about cars but it`s probably my favourite of the books of his writings from newspapers, etc.

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Its funny. I look at an American site who obviously love Lexus. They haven't got a clue who Jeeza is and the things they were saying about the article, biggot, most unballanced article they have ever read... etc. etc.

They kind of have a point, he is very good as a writer and extremely opinionated, it can be an aquired taste thats for sure.

I haven't been in the new GS but it is just the sort of car some business people want to do loads of miles in, conering speed and 0-60 etc. just don't interest a lot of them. Strange I know. 169144-ok.gif

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Clarkson has said it himself; treat whatever he has to say as entertainment only. Don't go out and buy a car because he said he likes it or vice versa smile.gif

Besides, if you drive a car and like it and it meets your needs, that`s the most important thing. It`s up to the person buying the car to make the decision.

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Clarkson is hshite and he has become a parody of both himself and a motoring journalist.

I don't want to read his egotistical comments, Tom Ford is a thousand Times better, James May is excellent in print too 169144-ok.gif

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This Clarkson at what he does best but i prefer James May too (well it makes me buy the Telegraph on Sat) cool.gif

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Well James may's 7' 3" then... wink.gif

It is definitely subjective, but I do love Clarkson's style, and when you delve beneath the tortured metaphors he still tends to hit the nail on the head. Or maybe he just appeals to my own prejudices...

As a motoring journalist to take a little more seriously - and still be entertaining - James May is superb. And he's not really a petrolhead in the evo, performance cars only sense, so he gives an interesting take on more varied stuff. And he loves old Astons and Bentleys, which is definitely a plus.

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That 1 series review is pure class!!

I like his style - I like people who just don't care and get famous for it.

I agree that Tom Ford is a very good journo (and often very funny) but JC still rules the roost!

Now Lodders - He's not been too keen on BMWs of late - Does that make him a bad journo?!!

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If I want a luxurious workhorse that I can absolutely rely on to waft me up and down the motorways day in day out for years in peaceful comfort, then why not? Can't think of anything that would do that particular job any better.

When it comes out (ok a year or two after it comes out) the GS400H will be very high on my list... it'll do all the above with decent economy (it'll be interesting to see how it compares with the exec diesels).

I don't really want my blood stirring at 7am on the M40 thanks... I'll have a weekend toy and Sunday afternoons for that.

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