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Phatbox now fitted


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I'm in two minds about it. At the moment it looks like I may be about to change jobs, which means a) I'll be being even more careful with my cash for a while and b) the .:R might go. We'll see. If she stays (which at present is hightly unlikely) I will look into the Phatbox even more. Though I have thought about just getting an I-pod & a Dennison link kit, as I'll be living on trains instead of driving so much.


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the Phatbox is awesome as it comes from the same makers of the Kenwood Music KEG which i have and has worked brilliantly since i installed it in my R.

(BTW a friend took it out a few times while ive been off the roads)

Its certainly alot easier than having a pile of cds 169144-ok.gif

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