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I think I have a problem


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I just worked it out, and since I last got paid (3 weeks ago this thursday), I've spent approximately £170 on petrol, and I've not even really been anywhere. Somehow I've clocked up around 1200 miles.

I can quit anytime I want though...starting from next pay day, I'm putting a full tank in, and that's it for the month.

If you're up for a money earner, I suggest you place bets (you'll win if you bet against me sticking to it).

But on a serious note...I think I may actually be addicted to driving. I've just realised I don't go a day without driving. I don't need to, I just drive round the country roads between villages etc...did anyone else used to do this? Or do you still do it?

At least I've found out where a massive chunk of my wages went now!

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But on a serious note...I think I may actually be addicted to driving... I've just realised I don't go a day without driving... Or do you still do it?

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Yup, even have to have a car on holiday because I just don't like being without independant transport. I'm even going ot hire a car in Jersey for four nights, and the whole island is only about 9 miles long, with 40mph the highest speed limit. I don't care, I need a car.

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But on a serious note...I think I may actually be addicted to driving... I've just realised I don't go a day without driving... Or do you still do it?

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Yup, even have to have a car on holiday because I just don't like being without independant transport. I'm even going ot hire a car in Jersey for four nights, and the whole island is only about 9 miles long, with 40mph the highest speed limit. I don't care, I need a car.

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Driving in Jersey is fun. 40mph zones when really it should only be 30mph, and the roads are very narrow. I love driving round there. It feels so much quicker.

Mind the green lanes though. You're not allowed above 15 miles an hour.

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At 19 I racked up 24,000 miles in 6 months....going virtually nowhere as I recall!

Pretty much as cruiser647 says, blasts down country lanes, midnight jaunts everywhere thinkable, and going out at 8am on a Saturday and Sunday, not returning until midnight!

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you nutter that equates to 131 miles per day shocked.gif

did you not do anything else in those days or was that driving to work as well? ECLIPSe.gifECLIPSe.gifECLIPSe.gif

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At 19 I racked up 24,000 miles in 6 months....going virtually nowhere as I recall!

Pretty much as cruiser647 says, blasts down country lanes, midnight jaunts everywhere thinkable, and going out at 8am on a Saturday and Sunday, not returning until midnight!

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you nutter that equates to 131 miles per day shocked.gif

did you not do anything else in those days or was that driving to work as well? ECLIPSe.gifECLIPSe.gifECLIPSe.gif

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I had a lot of leave at the time.....and it felt like the best thing to do was to drive!

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At 19 I racked up 24,000 miles in 6 months!

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I'm sure I actually blurted out 'F*CKING HELL!!!' before actually registering what I'd just read then...that's incredible!!

I'm so glad that I'm not the only one with this problem - mind you, I am asking a load of car enthusiasts.....

It's just that my friends who have all recently just started driving (all except the one who's sister I'm possibly hooking up with) spend like £20 a month absolute tops. Got me a bit worried that I'm spending approx. £150 a month more UHOH7.GIF

I'm confused as to what I like about driving now though - I mean, blatantly I like it...but when I first passed and got my car on the road (after a long, painful month of getting insurance, MOT, tax etc) I just felt great everytime I got in the car - king of the road and all that, I'm sure you all felt the same (and probably still do ROLLEY~14.GIF). But now there's nothing special about it...it's just driving...completely second nature...Ford Escort etc.

I think it's probably the countryside driving I like best (particularly on my own) because the scenery is beautiful. Especially where I took the attached picture...right at the top of a hill, you can see for miles everywhere you look. It's just amazing. And I catagorically hate motorway driving.

I suppose it's an escape from everything. Before I could drive, I'd bike to a village about 4 miles away and sit in this massive park, on my own in the dark and lay on a bench to just escape from all the happenings and crap of the day/week/month. Now I can drive around the counrtyside, wind (slightly - damn that roof) in my hair, admiring the worlds natural beauty, with no law around to stop me doing anything. Yesterday I'd had a particularly shite day, and in the afternoon/early evening I went round the local countryside, then I went again when it got dark and there was even less cars. The hill on the image attached is REALLY beautiful in the dark. I love looking at lights from far away, it's great.

Anyway, what the hell have I just written? confused.gif

It's costing me lots and lots of spondoolies and I can't stop...what do I do? heart.gifECLIPSe.gifECLIPSe.gifECLIPSe.gifECLIPSe.gifECLIPSe.gifheart.gif ... where's the cold turkey emoticon?


Edit: Hahaha, went and forgot to attach the image, didn't I...here it is!


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I'm 22 and i've worked out that i've done 150,000 miles already!!

17-18 = 2000 miles in my Dad's car - approx.

18-19 = 1750 miles in my Dad's car and then bought my own and was doing 800 a week for the 3 months that i had my own car = 9600 - total = 11,350

19-20, 20-21, 21-22 = 45k per year = 135k! - all boring miles too - motorway stuff. Soon given up that for a game of cricket though - slowed it down though now. Think my mrs likes going in the car though. If i ever go a Saturday without driving, she always thinks of somewhere to go really late on a Saturday night - just so that i can drive! Hate that - really winds me up!!

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I concur with the "get a diesel" statement.

I spent twice as much as you a month and did nowhere near the amount of miles you are covering, 2 turbos and 420BHP tend to do that grin.gif

Mrs bought a Polo and that pays for itself with the amount of money saved in fuel!

I was the same as you, we'd be out from 6.30 until 11 every night without fail, driving round the lanes, or just anywhere for just somthing to do.



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Yup, even have to have a car on holiday because I just don't like being without independant transport. I'm even going ot hire a car in Jersey for four nights, and the whole island is only about 9 miles long, with 40mph the highest speed limit.

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Traitor, jersey is the enemy.

have fun on your holiday with the Crappos FIREdevil.gif

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