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Rover - ready for a comeback??


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Has anyone read this weeks Auto Express? Cover story is the new Rover 75, and P6-7 is new 45 model.

Whats this all about then?

They said that they are designs as 4 companies are looking to buy the company. Surely then no reason to publish designs at this stage. If one man buys the company, could turn it to a sports brand, another may do a cheap brand!?

The new 45 looks uncannily like a Daewoo / Chevy Lacetti though!!

Bit of Auto Exp photoshop work??

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I'm cancelling my subscription to Auto Express.

It's more like a comic than anything else these days.

Utter drivel. I only took it on under special offer but I've had just about enought of their Photoshopped pictures and completely 'middle of the road' car reviews.

I still haven't come across a car that they've ever slated!

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I still haven't come across a car that they've ever slated!

[/ QUOTE ]

It occurred to me the other day that that is what TopGear is missing these days. Because they generally don't review many "average" cars anymore, we don't get to see Clarkson [or, indeed, Richard or James] really let go and tear a car to shreds. Yes, these days there are less really "bad" cars out there, but that`s no excuse!

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Comeback ?! I think the only thing we will see from Rover in the UK is something resembling the MG-TF, the analysists reckoned that this is the only model worth flogging here. The Rover thing has been done to death elsewhere, but the 'traditional' Rover buyer won't buy anything made in China/India etc and as they pop their clogs, there is no middle-younger age group of buyers really interested in their offerings. Mind you Volvo used to be an 'old mans brand', and I reckon they are up there with the premium brands now...

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Know what you mean about Auto Exp M3Me.

The rung me at work about a subscription - offered 12 issues for £1, i said yes and proceeded to give my bank details as i was otherwise occupied and busy! Silly, i know!

It is drivel most of the time - i agree. I would rather spend my 4 x £1.20 (£4.80) or whatever it is i pay every month on a copy of 'Car' and 'Razzle'! jump.gif123576-assfeck.gif

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