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Leather/Alcantara Seat repair


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You should try looking in Yellow Pages for furniture restorers, fabric workers, even french polishers - because all three can cover a wide variety of repair work.

It'll definately be possible to do it and I was astonised a few years back at the job a company did after an insurance claim on a carpet. Basically, embers from a wood burning stove flew out and burned 4 whacking great holes in a brand new expensive carpet.

They sent out a specialist repair who worked on the 4 holes for 2 days!!!!

It is no exaggeration to say that when he'd finished I could not tell you where the holes had been - not a chance. Two of them were right in the middle of a small pattern too, and a very intricate one at that.

Amazing results are possible. As long as they can source the Alcantara (which they might not need to if there is over-run under the seats where they can trim it from, or take it from the back of the seat) then you should be fine.

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The problem with that is the cost. It's true that it can be done, but nobody does carpets in cars as it's far cheaper to get a new carpet. When you think about it, that guy probably charged £300 for two days work.

For car seats, the repairs need to be hard wearing because people are rubbing thier arses up against them, so many of the techniques of repair can only be done on places which don't get sat on. But a car trimmer can usually sort out the burn for about £50-ish. They can either move the seat panel over a bit, put in new seams which swallow the burns, or replace the seat panel altogether.

Having said that, I have never had Alcantara done. If you can post up a photo I could show it too a couple (or three) of people to see what they suggest as I would be very interested in how they deal with it.

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