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right got a pc thats riddled wtih it , ran addaware, and spyboys, what else do people recomend doing ? i dont know were else to start cos its still running really slow ! its been defragged etc and ideas of other tools i should run ?

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As well as the scans and removal tools, have a look in the registry in HKLM - Software - Microsoft - Windows - CurrentVersion - Run and scan the list of objects displayed for anything that looks suspect. Some viruses can be detected this way too, you're basically looking for oddly-named files, typically a string of letters/numbers, often located in SYSTEM32.

If you are unsure of the validity of any of these entries, and wether or not it is safe to remove them, take a look at http://www.sysinfo.org/startuplist.php and type the offending file name into the search box. Not everything is listed on this website but it is damn useful 169144-ok.gif

The other thing you can do is go to Google, click on Groups, and type the file name in there, something should come up that will help you find out what the process might be and if it's supposed to be there wink.gif

Other than that, the usual AdAware/SpyBot/MS AntiSpyware scans will remove the sh1te. You might have to run AdAware in Safe Mode if it can't remove adware from the computer...


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To view things that are running on startup and to disable them click Start > Run and type in "msconfig"

Click the Startup tab and have a look. Anything you don't like the look of, untick it and choose apply. If something genuine then doesn't work, you can re-enable it.

This works on XP only. Can't remember the command to get it working on Windows 2000.

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check out http://www.adwarereport.com/ gives a list of the best tools to use to remove spyware. some trojans are also carrying spyware i had to remove one called bookmark.j that kept on creating pop ups ,even after running adawae and spybot. think trend do an online scan called housecall that picks these up (i used the full desktop version of trend which worked ok). oh and onvce its sorted switch the user to firefox

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Though I'd make my 1st post a useful one rather than a "Hello I'm new" one smile.gif

Check out http://www.experts-exchange.com/Web/Browser_Issues/Q_20975384.html

If you find that too confusing download Adaware and Spybot (Google the names and you'll find them) both are free and do a good job on removing spyware/adware. If you are still getting problems disable system restore (right click My Computer, properties, system restore tab - remember this will remove all previous restore points and is irreversible) and run Adaware and Spybot S&D again.

PS It's services.msc in Win2k Sparky

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i run adaware pro [with adwatch] and spybot memory resident components; firefox as browser.

occasionally do a sweep with the MS antispyware [also have the free version of webroot on file somewhere] but formal scans pick nothing new up since i've had the memory resident stuff running

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