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Golf TDi with a ******* of a driver.


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NC03 W**

Flat Blue colour.

Do you have a death wish?

Undertook me on a roundabout in a frantic effort to get to the other side of it faster than me! No other traffic around, I was doing 45mph, WTF did you do that for you idiot?

If I hadn't braked there was NO WAY you were going to be able to get across in time to make the exit and I saved you either a) your life b) a big bill for hitting my car c) a visit to see the nice PC's at the local station because I'd have called them for sure.

You then proceeded to chuck soot all over the road as you continued towards the A1 and then......yes you did it again didn't you, you silly silly boy! You couldn't wait for the white van to turn right at the roundabout so you went all the way around him too, in the process of which you came within about 6 inches of my NSF wing mirror and I'd taken the left hand lane to go onto the A1(N) slip road (he was going South by the looks of it).

You're a liability. You are not driving a Ferrari. You are not Michael Schumacher. You are going to kill someone or, more preferably, yourself.

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Too many twat drivers like that around I'm afraid.

Had an experience of one just last night.Driving along through Finchley when this car appears a few inches from my rear bumper.I blip the throttle to make a gap and then slow down for the traffic ahead.Next thing the cars back on my bumper and as I'm thinking "we can't go anywhere" he decides he can and overtakes in his 1.4 Clio with 3 chav mates all grinning out of the windows.The road in question is not for overtaking and all the oncoming traffic are hooting and flashing as they dive for the kerb.Plus he had to go past about 4 or 5 cars before he could get back in.

Doubt they'd have still been laughing if a major accident had occured like it could well have done. smashfreakB.gifsportifs2.gif

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