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GTI MK4 Tappets...


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02 Golf GTI MK4 (GTTDI 150bhp), FVWSH, 55k

Morning all...

My GTI started to make a lot of noise last week and was spluttering like mad - so took it into VW. Turns out there is a major tappet problem - they've said one has disintegrated and gone into the engine, one has just broke and one has come loose. I've asked VW what's caused this but they are very cagey in informing me of a reason - but more than forthcoming in telling me it will cost circa £700 to put right ! Ouch ! It's been serviced on the dot by VW, and the cam belt was changed at 50k ( because VW said there was a hairline split so they changed it on the warranty ). The 3yr warranty ran out 5 weeks ago :-( Anybody else had this problem ? What would cause a tappet to disintegrate ? Is it something we've done wrong as I obviously don't want it to happen again on the remaining tappets ! Is there anyway I could try and claim some of the cost back from VW as I don't see how a 3yr old car, fully services by VW, should have this sort of problem. Any info at all appreciated...


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I've heard of a couple of cases of this, all with the PD150 engine, and a few in the States (where they have trouble with dealers using incorrect oil smashfreakB.gif) on high mileage pre PD engines.

You'll maybe be able to get the dealer on your side to talk to VW for you and see about getting some goodwill. This is the best way forward and will be good if it's the same dealer who's done all the service work. He's really got to be on your side for it to work though and he may be more inclined to accept what VW want to tell him TBH. If your dealer is a twat and won't do anything for you, you can always contact VW direct and explain the whole circumstances, and push them for some assistance. Try telling them that you'd expect it to be problem free for longer than the warranty period, and for somethng this major to be just outside the 3 years is a disappointment, and things like that.

VW do make goodwill gestures, and even if it's only on the parts it'll be a help.

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