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[Audi A3/S3] New boy!


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Been visting your site daily for the past 3 months (joys of working in an office!) and thought it about time i signed up, i finally bought an S3 2 months back having liked them for years...just now gutted ive not owned 1 longer, they really are some car!.

Sorry to start pestering you all with questions on my 1st post but would be greatfull for some advice on the following...

1 - 'Chelsea Mick's' post re 'My beep has gone'...ive never had a beep when locking and unlocking mine?!, also at the wkend when the car was locked with the windows open, the alarm i pressume had been set off as the lights were flashing, but there was no noise?!

2 - The car has developed a squeeking sound (coming from the rear off side corner) when travelling along bumpy roads and over road humps?!

Superb site, full of great advice/learnt so much about the car from you all already, many thanks

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Welcome to TSN, and heres to lots of posting fun. beerchug.gif

On your questions.

You shouldn't have a bleep, its now against EU law as it was becoming a noise nuisance, as they became louder and more intrusive. Not missed IMO. You can get it turned on, but hearin the door locks and seeing the flash of the hazards is enough for me.

As for the flashing lights, the alarm probably did go off, but it can only go off for a few minutes twice I think when it is first tampered with, then the lights flash until you get back to it. Again is an EU/UK law thing so they aren't going off for hours.

As for the squeek, it might be due to dry bushes or somthing similar. I had it in an old Fiesta I owned years ago, a bit of grease on them sorted it out, might be something else on an Audi thought.

Am sure others will be along with more to add. 169144-ok.gif

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Welcome beerchug.gif

The squeaky/creaking sound is the anti-roll bar bushes. Very common problem. Had the same thing on my old 1.8TQ. Stealer will want silly money and they will replace the whole thing when really the only thing that needs doing is the bushes. Can't tell you an actual cost as mine was under warranty. People on here have done it themselves.

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Bushes are indeed a common problem on the A3/S3. The good news it that they are only £2.50 each from your local dealer. Booster is correct about the dealers trying to get you to pay for a new anti roll bar too. They tried it with me on my S3! I think they quoted something like £270 (Ouch!!!). I did it myself and all it cost me was £5 for the bushes, £15 for a socket set. It took me about 3 hours cos it was freezing cold and the bracket that holds the anti-roll-bar onto the subframe is a bugger to get back in. I'm sure that there must have been an easier way.

Good luck and welcome to TSN!

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To prevent your alarm going off whilst leaving the windows open.....

There is a button directly behind the drivers seat on the upright shuttle in the line of the seat belt about 6 - 8 inches from the floor. If you press this button before shutting your drivers door and arming the alarm, this will disable the ultra sonic detectors but still enable the alarm and immobiliser.

Regarding the beep when arming. Anyone with a Vag Com setup will be able to enable this feature. I find it handy as you can tell when the alarm is set with out having to stand and watch your indicators flash before walking away from your car. It is only a fairly quiet beep and cannot see that it would annoy anyone at all.

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