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"The A3 looks like a 1 Series"


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That shock announcement was made by a work mate who is looking at changing his car. He was looking at 4WD cars so I told him to look at Audi Quattros. He was on Audi's page on Parkers and having seen a picture of an A3 sportback he proclaimed it looked exactly the same as a 1.gif. He then found some pictures of both and flicked between them going "Look! They`re exactly the same!"

Ian/A_S, this was one of those, 'I heard this and thought of you' moments! smile.gif

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I drive a Volvo because it's the only 7 seater I liked the look of. Audi don't do one, neither do BMW, I am comparing like for like (A3 vs 1-series?).

Some people like the new Audi nose, I don't, and for what it's worth I don't like the majority of Volvo's either, but I love my xc90.

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I drive a Volvo because it's the only 7 seater I liked the look of. Audi don't do one, neither do BMW, I am comparing like for like (A3 vs 1-series?).

Some people like the new Audi nose, I don't, and for what it's worth I don't like the majority of Volvo's either, but I love my xc90.

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Fair play - only winding you up 169144-ok.gif Im sure most people think my cars are horrendous, but i like them - thats all that counts aint it!!! Unless you own a 1.gif

Actually, i like the XC90 too!!! Never driven one though, but would have one over X5 etc. any day! Great design...... 169144-ok.gif

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wink.gif I'd have an X5 because I like the gangster drug dealer look, but I needed 7 seats smile.gif If it wasn't for the damn third child (damn you child damn you) my new car would have been an XKR convertible. And if it wasn't for all three of the little gits it would have been a Lamborghini.

Kids - not only do they cost you a bloody fortune, but as it's illegal to transport them in the boot, you have to buy them all a sodding seat in your car too frown.gif

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;) kids - not only do they cost you a bloody fortune, but as it's illegal to transport them in the boot, you have to buy them all a sodding seat in your car too frown.gif

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thats why i havent got any yet - dunno if i really want any either, but the wife's biological clock is ticking........

TICK TOCK TICK TOCK - drives you insane!!! Well, she is ony 27 and im only 28 - so can wait a while yet. Too many cars to get through and too many places to see in the world. 169144-ok.gif

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We decided to get the kids "over and done with" young and get them out the way wink.gif

We are both 30 and our kids are 8, 5 and 4. In 5 years time we won't be cool enough to hang around with them anymore so we'll get to do the sports-cars etc soon. I couldn't cope with having fast sports cars for years, THEN having kids and having to give it all up!

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I'm thinking of putting mine on eBay if you're interested smile.gif

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Yea, ok! Not into this bidding lark though, whats your Buy It Now Price...... oh, feedback and prior viewing is essential......

This post is uselss without pics jump.gif

Sorry, hed to be done!!! 169144-ok.gif

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