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which is best?


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Not used #16 but I rate P21S very highly for ease of application. As for durability hard to say as I rarely leave more than a few weeks between waxing. That said, I believe #16 does have some synthetic content so it may be ahead of P21S in the durability stakes as a result.

C&S have limited supplies of #16 I believe - keep meaning to ask John to save me one!

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Cheechy - Menzerna's a bit more of a handful to use IMHO. The Intensive works supremely well but is harder work than the SSR range and the Final is a PITA biatch from hell - slightest hint of sunshine and you need meths/water mix to remove it!!! SRP actually gives similar results (i.e. a jewel like glimmer/shine) for a fraction of the work.

I've got some PO85RD on order and also some Optimum; I'll report back on performance of these once I've had a chance to use them.

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Hi Guys,

Cheechy - SSR2.5 should be in stock early next week pricing is about £12.50 to £13ish. I should be adding the products in the next couple of days. Im not too sure on the demand I would have for the Menzerna and tbh from what Andy said I think it may be one for someone else to carry on selling, but we will see.

Whizzer, Whizzer, Whizzer - Ever the demanding!! lol wink.gif It just so happens that there is some Pinnacle Souveran going to be hitting my warehouse doors sometime tomorrow smile.gif Does that mean you want a pot?



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On black definitely - deeper & wetter shine IMHO but on lighter colours there's less of a difference.

It's the old autopia thing again TBH - you know, just one more product....and for me personally it's not Zymol or Swissol but that said I have nothing against those who rate these products above anything else - each to his own and all that.

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What is the longevity of souveran like? Reading around, many say that it doesnt last long.

I did ask Clean and Shiny to earmark a tub for me, but now wonder if I would be better off with P21S or Poorboys Nattys or something else. Always used to think of Megs 3 stage as my ideal routine - maybe I should go back to those thoughts instead?

Ultimate shine is nice, but I cant find the time to regularly wax every couple of weeks, so need a compromise.


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