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Hi Guys,

I'm a complete n00b when it comes to Linux and am having a bit of a problem when trying to install a couple of packages.

The error i get when using package management is that i have an unlocatable package which in this case is krb5-libs.

However, when i put the install cd in an try to install the RPM it tells me that i already have a newer version installed which is somewhat confusing.

I have had a look around on google etc but whithout much sucess at the moment.

The additional packages that i'm tring to install are the development tools as that's stopping me installing Oracle 10.



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Cheers Bison,

I tried that, the result was:

RPM package conflict error. The message was:

Test install failed because of package conflicts:

The following packages were added to your selectionto satify dependencies:

Name Version Release


krb5-workstation 1.3.4 17

package krb5-libs-1.3.4-17 is already installed

package krb5-workstation- is already installed

I had tried to do the following previously:

rpm -ivh --force krb5-libs

Which then kindly informed me from package manager that it now couldn't find it twice frown.gif

I also tried

rpm -U krb5-libs

It seems that although the packages are installed and can be queried from the command line package manager doesn't seem to be able to acknowledge their existance frown.gif

To be honest i'm getting close to blowing the install away and starting over and installing everything. I suspect this may not have been a problem if i had installed the packages before i connected to RHN to do the updates. I don't really want to blow it all away as i'd sooner learn how to fix the problem because i'm sure i'll come across it again.



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don't get that harsh just yet.. smile.gif

if you do an rpm -ql krb5* do any of the files it returns actually exist? Does it return any files?

Also be carful with the force option... and yeah in future i'd always recommend getting the package out of the distrobution *if* it exists... if it doesn't then you go off piste smile.gif

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