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I just noticed that this coming Sunday's Top Gear (24th July) is, according to the sometimes totally unreliable journo on "What's on TV":

"Jeremy Clarkson test drives the BMW M5, [Ooops! I shouldn't mention such a car!] the team debates the merits of the Renault Megane, Vauxhall Astra VXR and Golf GTI, and presenter Chris Evans is the Star in a Reasonably Priced Car."

Sounds very interesting. Any guesses or bets about what JC and the team will say ? Whooooosh!!.....I'm outta here!!!!

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JC gave the GTi an amazing review on Top Gear a while back.

I can't see his overall opinion changing.

Saying that the VXR should be good to see in action having personally only read about it so far and if the Megane has the new Cup pack fitted it should be a fairly close contest.

I'm looking forward to it. (Sky+ set 169144-ok.gif)

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I wonder if the GTI will be a manual or DSG. I noticed that in a recent TG prog the 'team' did a car comparison in Iceland and the Audi TT was a DSG version. That great little guy (? Hammond ?) slagged it off until he tried it out and then was very enthusiastic about DSG. I'm not saying it's better or worse than manual stick shift....It's yet again down to the driver's individual preference but DSG plus paddleshift was certainly what made me decide on the GTI. That plus quite a few other factors.

Anyway, I'm sure we'll all enjoy the prog and have plenty to say and even argue about afterwards.

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Have you always been a stick man Red Robin, or have you always gone Auto anyway.

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....50/50. It's mostly been circumstances rather than preference - I like driving and simply adjust to what vehicle I'm driving. I ran a manual Fiat Panda for a year and enjoyed it around the really narrow lanes in West Dorset/East Devon (working with horses). I usually drive a V8 Chevvy pickup with column shift in America (a lot of dirt roads on Indian Rez). When I had my design business in central London I drove an automatic BMW - particularly easy around a busy city. I was given my current standard 1.6 manual Golf Mk4 which I think is a great car EXCEPT for its handling and performance. Hence I've ordered a GTI DSG a year later.

I expect you'll agree that an automatic is only any good if the engine performance still delivers sufficient power for your needs. The Beemer was hot off the line but not so good accelerating from higher speeds. The GTI has excellent performance throughout (at least for my individual needs).

I think the GTI DSG really scores over its competitors by offering such a range of transmission options: The straight manual satisfies those who want to milk every rev and enjoy that stick shift skill and feel, and the DSG gives an automatic with very real performance but a degree of manual override never seen before in conventional automatics. I haven't got mine yet (it's currently on a boat somewhere in the North Sea) and I hope I'm not disappointed by it not sufficiently hanging on to the revs when preferred. It's something that can only be compensated for by learning how the car actually feels/drives in reality.....I can't wait!!

I don't see what you drive in your sig....Do you have a Mk5 GTI ? Manual or DSG ? If you have a DSG what do you think of it ?

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I drive an A3 3.2 Quattro mate. It's manual, crazy, and loves a drink.

But soon i might need 4 doors, and i'm not convinced by the Sportback.

That said, i wasn't convinced by the GTI either (surprisingly). Thinking about waiting for an S3, but might take out a GTI DSG to see if that sways me.

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the thing is...we used the DSG on the first press tv review and it is known to be faster/better, whichever way one looks at it!however..i have heard of a drag race between the DSG and the Manual in S.A. where the manual skinned the DSG alive..i think the dsg will be used on sunday because VW are always keen to sell more!

Dsg -more expensive

people watch TG with dsg used

people go to show room and order more expensive DSG

VW get more money..... 1.gif <font color="red"> </font>

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When I watched that TG which had JC soooo very enthusiastically in the GTI I missed most of the prog and wasn't aware if it was a DSG or not. Also I wasn't then even thinking of getting any new car. But! I do remember thinking that it was everything I personally wanted in a car at present. I later organised a test drive with no intention of buying one!! I drove both manual and DSG and was instantly sold on the DSG.

You are absolutely right: DSG on TG will make more dosh for VW but it is the distinctive feature which the rivals don't have.

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the thing is...we used the DSG on the first press tv review and it is known to be faster/better, whichever way one looks at it!however..i have heard of a drag race between the DSG and the Manual in S.A. where the manual skinned the DSG alive..

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I would have thought the opposite was the case. When I have gone head to head with some tasty motors I have done very very well against them. With the DSG it changes in a fraction of a second far quick than in a manual and I don't need to back off and re-apply the power. Why is it then that the DSG in the A3 is faster than the quattro which should have a traction advantage. smashfreakB.gif But then it also shows as being faster than the GTI as well. coffee.gif

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the thing is, if you watched the TG where the GTI featured,it is difficult to get a racing/standing start using the DSG..the manual makes it easier and will get off the line quicker in higher revs..third gear and upwards..it's a diferent story openfire.gif the DSG goes all guns Blazn'

Don't forget that Audi pioneered the DSG gearbox...the Dsg will be quicker on the audi not only for that reason...the quattro has the same amount of power spread over four wheels where as the DSG is the same power over 2..the result is more torque and more power off the line..apparently sportifs2.gif

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Why is it then that the DSG in the A3 is faster than the quattro which should have a traction advantage.

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DSG FWD won't be sharper off the line. Quattro's traction with full power is immense and catapults you off the mark in a way that would have a FWD lapping for grip. On the manual GTI i tested, i was pulling away at quite high revs and kept losing traction on the front wheels.

But by the time it hits 3rd, DSG would make some ground, as their would be a weight advantage too (due to the lack of AWD).

Maybe the tests in SA were due to the Launch control. Loads of A3 owners are having beef with their DSG's stalling for a second or two, especailly when trying the Launch control out. 169144-ok.gif

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whilst on the subject of Top Gear and reviews - does anyone know if it is possible to download a recording of the program that had the gti review. I'd like to see it, as I have a long wait to go before mine arrives, and it'll keep me going for a bit...

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whilst on the subject of Top Gear and reviews - does anyone know if it is possible to download a recording of the program that had the gti review. I'd like to see it, as I have a long wait to go before mine arrives, and it'll keep me going for a bit...

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I've got the download of the TG show review.

If you've got broadband I can email it to you if you PM me your email address.


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So, after all that and Mr Clarkson would still have the GTi over the Megane and the Astra. Can't argue with that.

Megane just looks horrible. The Astra looked better than the pics i've seen of it so far (nice front and side, don't like the rear though) but those handling issues highlighted will not help sales thats for sure.

bowdown.gif GTi rules !

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I agree....I don't like the looks of either the Renault or VXR (especially the rear!!) and neither of them will take a practical load or have DSG flexibility. It comes down to what each individual wants a car to do....For me personally the GTI does it ALL !!

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The Astra looked better than the pics i've seen of it so far but those handling issues highlighted will not help sales thats for sure.

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Those same types of handling issues didnt stop the Focus RS from selling at more than list for some time, and also didnt the Astra still lap the track quicker even though it has handling issues? Oh and didnt Vauxhall remember to paint all their car at the factory?

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