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VW Golf mk3 overheating


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I have a 1994 Golf 1.6 which has been over-heating for the last few weeks. I was told it could be the thermostat so I have had this changed but it has had no effect. When the problem first started there was sludge under the oil filler cap which also led me to believe it was a head gasket failure, the sludge is now gone!!! should I still take this as the head gasket knackered and get it changed?

Thanks for any help.


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Very common for the radiator to block up, to test if the radiator is blocked start the engine up let the engine get hot then see if the hose coming off the bottom of the radiator is hot if it is not i would suppect the radiator is blocked.

Or it could be a knacked water pump to test this, (when the engine is cool) remove the small bleed pipe comming off the coolant tank (see pic, once this is disconnected from the tank get someone to start the engine and hold the revs at 3000rpm) coolant sould flow out of the pipe if it does not you may have a knacked water pump.



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Hello again,

Thanks for that info, its well appreciated. I have been out this morning and tried both of them, with no coolant coming out of the pipe and the bottom hose also staying cool. I am guessing from this it could be a cpmbination of pump and blockage???? If it is just a blockage can i sort that from just flushing the system, or is a new readiator the answer?



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It may flush but i don't think it will unblock it. I think they are around the £60 pound mark from euro car parts.

You have to remove the front grill, n/s head lamp, remove the coolant pipes off the radiator and then take the 4 bolts off the cooling fan, then the hole radiator wiil come out the front of the vehical.

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  • 4 years later...

After reading through the forums of glofs overheating, I have resolved a simple fault in the cooling system and perhaps it will help others.

After reading what mulkbear had detailed about re "the small bleed pipe comming off the coolant tank " I did this test and now water came out of the bleed pipe?

My Golf was boling after about 5 minutes whether idling or being driven, the radiator fan was not switching on and the temp was very hot on the left side od the radiator and cool on the right hand side.

The first thing i did was replace the thermostat, then the switch for the radiator fan - still boiling! so now i changed all of the pipes except for the "small bleed pipe" still boiling! took it it to a mechanic and he told me that there was an air lock and he attached a running hose pipe to the bottle and ran the motor in effort to expell the trapped air, now the fan kicked in and i promised him a dozen beers for his pro bono efforts.

300 metes from the garage it boiled again.. so back we went.. he said i can only be the water pump!! So i said fit a new one! 2 hours later he called to say all was fixed - bring a full wallet etc. He told me there was nothing wrong with the old pump 160 000 km old! IT WASTHE THIN BLEED PIPE THAT WAS BLOCKED, when i origionally removed it from the bottle to test the pump, i should have had the the insight to remove it completly and blow through it! Motor is running cool now.

Thanks again to Mulkbear.

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  • 11 years later...

300 metes from the garage it boiled again.. so back we went.. he said i can only be the water pump!! So i said fit a new one! 2 hours later he called to say all was fixed - bring a full wallet etc. He told me there was nothing wrong with the old pump 160 000 km old! IT WASTHE THIN BLEED PIPE THAT WAS BLOCKED, when i origionally removed it from the bottle to test the pump, i should have had the the insight to remove it completly and blow through it! Motor is running cool now.

Thousands Thanks for this! My 1994 1.8 1H2 ABS Vento started to keep cold and I knew that it is thermostat like two years ago. But i was out of budget so this time I need to change the thermostat myself. First I was clever and put in some cleaner thing. But then it started overheating. Luckily I stumbled in to your post here.
I started directly where you ended and it was exactly the same thing. That bleed pipe is very easy to check. Those clips can be detached with bare fingers. I had to drill the block off and overheating was cured. Still cold though but there is new water pump and thermostat coming so I will be able to rule them out... hopefully....
As a byproduct I needed to draw the flow diagram and found (with addition of luck) that it is possible to hose flush the thing without removing the thermostat. 


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  • 1 month later...
  • 8 months later...

got Golf3 1,6 ABU motor from 1993, is project car that is aesthetic already done, nice wheels, rust cleand and new iron welded on floor and other parts of car, finished car like to say, but engine is not touched, not a bit i can assume, changed oil today, car have normal temperature while driveing, when i stop on just a seccond temperature gets higher then 90 celsius but then i hear fan working and after few secconds car get at optimal temperature, could it be to the cooling liquid bcs antifreeze looks very dirty, im going to change water pump, antifreeze and belts in 2 weeks so should i expect same problem after that?


Stefan 2003

Edited by Stefan Nikolic
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