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Girlfriend wants 2 cars!!!


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Girlfriend currently has an S reg, Audi 80 Cab, very nice, in very good condition, with the 1.8 engine, which is ideal for her driving needs..... only problem is she went out in my mates (immaculate), Alfa GTV 3.0, which he has for sale, and she now wants it, as her second car!

I'm trying to make her see sense, I have my A8 for serious journeys, she already has a very nice car, the insurance/tax and running costs of two cars, the high running costs of a GTV ownership etc. I would be interested in your views, maybe an alternative single car (around the £12k price range), that would fulfil all her needs, and arguments against the two car idea.


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3.0 GTV has a fantasic engine that sounds like a mini Ferrari. But it will be a nightmare to own.

I salesman at a firm I used to work at had one and it was constantly in the dealer to have things fixed. He sold if and got huge depreciation costs.

I would get her to walk away. 3.0 cars especially that one are going to seriously dent her pocket. 169144-ok.gif

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Two cars if you do a lot of miles for work and socially is quite a nice idea in theory. And provided you have the money and the garage space it could work. However for most people and their budgets one car is enough. If she got rid of the Audi it sounds like she'd probably want another convertible and probably a perceived 'premium' brand. If she liked the GTV then interior space probably isn't massively important.

Have you considered cab versions of: Merc SLK, BMW Z3, TT, C70 Volvo, Saab 9-3? Should be within your £12k budget?

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You can have reliable AND flash but it doesn't come in the shape of a GTV.

Great engine for sure,the sound is to die for and they're pretty quick too but just this morning there was a queue of traffic where there isn't normally.When I eventually got to the T-junction there was a broken down GTV in the middle of the road with a very annoyed looking owner on his mobile calling for assistance.

OK it wasn't new but it was only a few years old and nowadays you don't often see modern cars broken down like that.

IMO Alfa have only improved by their own standards which tbh weren't very high in the first place.

Talk her out if it and into something like an S2000(I'm guessing you can get one for that money now),all the performance you need,roof down for posing and reliabilty to go with! 169144-ok.gif

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I remember seeing an article which showed a picture of a 3 series BMW and an Alfa 47, the caption read "guess which one has been recalled 14 times and the other non?" The answer to those with no discernment or taste was obvious - the 147. Equally obviously it wasn't, the 3 series had had 14 recalls.

I have had Alfas for the last 5 years, including a GTV. Whilst all my mates have had to have their BMWs, Audis and Nissans taken off the roads for extended periods of time I have kept motoring.

Someone suggested a merc here? Now there you truly are paying a lot of money for a badge that no longer means squat-diddley.

Mind, having said all that I'd go with the Honda suggestion.

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I wouldn't hesitate in buying an S2000. An absolutely cracking motor. Cheaper, faster, better quality and better looking than most of the other cars in its class. It's pretty economical and usable too, with the Vtec engine. Servicing wouldn't cost the earth either, unlike a Merc, and I'd guess servicing the Alfa wouldn't be cheap either.

For that sort of price range, I think the Honda has all the bases covered. 169144-ok.gif

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