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Clean and shiney question


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Let us know when the wheel brightener is in too - that is great stuff. Did both cars at the weekend with the 'Meguiars Ultra Safe Wheel Spoke Brush' and it got 90% of what I want done. Miles, miles better than the hot rims. Wheels coming off to get the other 10%when I have some time off work and will be doing a winter prep at half term!

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  • 2 weeks later...



Hi Stuart, I have it and as you say am waiting for some bits.... Meguiars seem to have some stuff on back order at the mo, i will chase them tomorrow....

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Any sign yet? Given that I accidentally discounted the delivery charge blush.gif I'm quite happy to pay another £3 if you want to part ship??

Also, to save another post, there was mention in another thread (I think?) that you guys were sourcing a cheaper alternative to the PC (but better than the Meguiars cordless buffer) - any progress or was I imagining that confused.gif

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  • 2 weeks later...


Stu, yeh your right we are still waiting on a product or two to turn up (good ole Meguiars) Ill part ship your order tomorrow....

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Sorry to be a pain but some of this lot is for a mate's birthday grin.gif (trying to steer him in the right direction!) but no sign of anything yet... can you put a bullet up City Link's exhaust or have you not managed to despatch it yet frown.gif

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bullet firmly inserted.... be with you Tuesday.

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Arrived today thanks (I can live with a day extra to the Highlands) but I have a favour (PLEASE) -

My home PC, with the list on it, is in bits (decorating frown.gif)

so for speed could you possibly tell me what's still to come (forgot what I ordered it was so long ago jump.gif - just joking) but a reminder would be really helpful ta. 169144-ok.gif

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Tried these guys for the first time - a lambswool wash mitt and some meguiars tyre gel. Arrived in good time but the tyre gel had leaked. Not impressed...... frown.gif

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That's really unusual - I've had around 6 orders from them now and everything is always really well wrapped... maybe the postie sat on it for a rest... have you seen the size of those sacks jump.gif

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