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91 J reg Passat running problem


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Hi there,

We have a 1991 J reg, 120,000 mile 1984cc Bosch fuel injected VW Passat that has the following problem. When driving the car either on light throttle or no throttle the car jerks and generally does not run very well. It does not do it on acceleration, half/ full throttle etc. It has been to our local specialist but they have not been able to diagnose the problem. Hope that you can help.



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I recently rebuilt the Bosch K on my old mercedes. I had to do this because I couldn't find a mechanic who understood the Bosch K. A young mechanic even asked "where's all the wires?"!

Is there a difference in the idle between when the car is cold (first few minutes) and when it is warm? The reason I ask is that the Bosch K has devices for enriching the mixture and upping the idle revs when cold. They could be faulty.

Here's what to check - make sure your mechanic doesn't jump over the first two - the cheapest and easiest fixes are first:

1. Check the idle mixture and speed - WITH THE ENGINE WARM - if it's been setup when cold then the mixture will be weak and the idle will be too low when warm.

2. If you think someone may have fiddled with it - check the air flow meter's plate is centered and positioned correctly in height.

3. Look for air leaks. Listen for hissing noises and hunt for cracked hoses and gaskets. If air is getting in after the air flow meter then not enough fuel will be added and so a weak mixture will cause bad idling.

4. Replace o rings on the fuel injectors

5. Test or replace the fuel injectors (it can be as expensive to buy one as test it)

6. Check/replace the aux air valve, warm up regulator, cold start valve, fuel distributor (new ones can be pricey, if still available)

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