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[Audi A3/S3] 2.0TDI SE DSG Stalling when cold


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When starting from cold, the engine is very 'lumpy' - put it into 'D' and the revs alternate between 800 and 1000 - go to pull away and it stalls!

Anyone else had these problems?

It is also noticeable in traffic queues, where after you have stopped for a few seconds and go to move away again, the engine seems to take a while to pick up and then it engages the clutch very quickly and you get a jerky takeoff, just when you are trying to edge forward a few yards. Had it doing it a lot on the M25 last night - not funny.


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The jery issue can be caused when you rush the change from N to D. I get this on my car. If you quickly put it in D and press the accelerator before the clutch has had a chance to bite it jerks the car forward.

Work around is put the car in D and pause for a slight second then press the accelerator down or slowly lift the brake so the car is already creeping, it doesn't have a problem then. Its a small limitation of the DSG unit and as far as I am aware everyone has this issue, but you learn to drive around it.

However I haven't had any issues with stalling or anything close to that in my 2.0T or in the S-Line 2.0 TDI I had to test for a few days either.

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My 3.2 DSG has never stalled but the clutch takeup from stopped is a bit 'grabby' making it tricky to creep forwards and get close to something without worrying about hitting it, seems that as soon as the brake is released the clutch bites too quickly - certainly not smooth & progressive like a conventional auto. I've always considered it a trait of the DSG and have learned to deal with it - worries me if the wife drives it though!

If I really want to get it close to something I can use the handbrake to hold it as this doesn't seem to activate/deactivate the clutch like the footbrake (brake light switch?) does. beerchug.gif

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Yes, Mine has always jerked when putting it into drive unless I keep my foot on the footbrake to allow the clutch to engage slightly before accelerating. It is indeed a quirk of DSG boxes. The stalling problem has only occurred recently though. The engine revs are not constant and if you select gear while the revs are dipping, when the clutch kicks in it just seems to kill the engine.

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