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Some of u guys may remember I did made a post in last couple of week regarding my DSG problem(Money or GTI), I end up had my car booked for service(replace a new DSG gearbox)on last thursday, rang the service depatement on that afternoon and they said it wouldnt be ready until friday, called on friday and they said it should be ready around 5pm, waited around 45 min and they came back to me said the car is not ready due to cooling system is leaking from the new gear box confused.gif So they are going to get the cooling system from my old DSG gearbox since if they need to order a new one it will take 3-4 weeks, what can I say, I got no choice at all. Call up on Monday, again they said it should be ready around 5pm, wait for another 30 min, and this time wheel alignment problem, so no car for me AGAIN. mad.gif Finally, I picked my car today and the same problem happen on the new gearbox mad.gifmad.gif.........

Guys I just want whoever had the DSG, pls test it for me to see is this a common faulty or not.

All u need to do is find a long deep slope road, STOP the car first in D-mode ONLY, then let the car go down slowly, DON'T GO OVER 2nd gear by applying foot brake, and from here where my gearbox start making crunching noise. This happen everytimes on my car. PLEASE let me know the result. Thank you.

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Someone in another thread gave very good advice about your position legally. Basically you are obliged to give the dealer the opportunity to put matters right and can only proceed successfully if they either refuse or fail to do so. It's a lengthy process but you should always stand up for what you believe is right. I once had a very long High Court case (nothing to do with cars)....Defo worth it in the end.

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sorry to hear about the state of your car, myimate, definitely no crunching noise as you describe it. I know 2nd gear is the “noisiest” gear to be in while coasting below 20 kms, but definitely no "crunching". Its just a mild whining noise, no rough sounds coming out of it,

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