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Anybody knows how do I turn ON the defrosting wires around the windscreen? Or should they come ON at the same time as the ones on the rear window? I get the feeling that the windscreen ones don't work and I'm wondering if they've been connected when they replaced the windscreen. I looked for this connectors but I can't find them unfortunately.

Can you help??


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I didn't think this existed either.

I know it exists on Mondeo's as the old man has it - its obvious when it exists as you can see the squiggly wires running up and down glinting in the screen when light shines on it. Its called QuickClear on Fords.

It would be wired right across the screen if it did exist like on the Mondeo, I'd think, not just at the sides.

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Wow, right around my car's windscreen there are some wires and in one corner I a 12V info. Doesn't this mean that is a heated windscreen or its me being silly? I know

for a fact that this is not the original VW windscreen. All the windows around the car have VW logo but the windscreen. So what do you boys and girls think??


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Official apology!! They are not wires! It was only paint but they look like wires, I know what you are all thinking…..DOH!  But it would've been nice to have defrosting wires around the windscreen ... All I can say is thanks for opening my eyes and sorry for wasting your time!!


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