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TSNer with no car wants to attend TSN events.....


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Didn't really know where else to put this as it isn't a meet or an event or trackday so cannot go in that forum!

Basically I have been on this good ol' forum for a long time yet have never been to any meets (except a quick chat with the TSN gang at Le Mans last summer and a flash of the lights from a certain Fabia VRS driver 169144-ok.gif) I would like to get to more meets rather than just sitting at a laptop to chat cars, I want to be out there meeting people and seeing all these great cars rather than sitting on my arse here in Nottingham!! The problem is of course that I have no car, OK confession out of the way there! I am not insured on the car I normally drive as it is sat in a garage in Leeds with me at a house in Nottingham so I have no way to get to any of the meets. I still want to get along to events so the only way I can think of doing this is to be passenger with someone else who is heading to the same event. The problem with this of course is that I sound like a scrounging student trying to get a free ride hence why I haven't posted up about attending any events before.

I'd like to get along to some things this year so what would people think if I posted up on a meet thread saying basically what I have said here, "I would love to attend but don't have a car, can anyone give me a lift?"

Would everyone think I was being a bit of a scrounger or would people be happy to meet another enthusiast and have ballast/someone to chat to when driving to a meet and back again?

I am in Nottingham near the M1 so it's a fairly central location to get places.

Thanks for reading and hopefully people can appreciate my problem and I get to meet some of you guys at meets sooner rather than later in 2006


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