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Picking her up Saturday morning...


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Well guys I finally have confirmation that I can get her Saturday morning and after a 3 month wait I'm just totally fecking excited. I was at the stealers today but couldn't see my GTI as it's at their central compound being checked over. At one point (as you may know from previous posts)I was worried the dealer might use it as a show car or demo but I checked and they had a couple of used GTI's for sale which I've assured myself they would use instead.

Anyway just wanted to give you guys an update as I've learnt so much on this forum and the time has past more pleasently than the first 2 months (prior to discovering TSN).

I'll post some photos and a report at the weekend!

Cheers guys! 169144-ok.gifbowdown.gif

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Once you get it you will soon forget about the wait and the excitement will die down and it will be just like any other car .....

Only Joking, 9 months on and I look forward to going out in mine every journey. 11000 miles on and I defintely think the car is loosening up. Had to pass a lorry yesterday and the car hit the rev limiter so quick in 2nd that the DSG had changed before I had time to think about it.

Hope you enjoy the car as much as I am, the last few days will probably drag but not long to go.

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I remember when i picked up my 320ci Sport two years ago.

Was paranoid about hitting a very low and rather notorious wall leaving the dealers UHOH7.GIF

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I had a spot of bother getting mine off the forecourt this morning - was like I couldn't drive at all! Also, got bothered about adjusting the mirrors, was convinced something weird was happening as they both moved when adjusting the RHS. After looking like a complete buttcheeks.gif for a bit I finally discovered the technique of setting the RHS first then LHS ... iamwithstupid.gif

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There is a story (probably complete balls), but a wifey picked up her husbands brand new Mercedes (don't know what model, nor why he couldn't pick it up), but she managed to write it off within only a few miles...the Mercedes garage actually gave her a temporary loan car and she wrote that off in the same day smile.gif

Like I saw, probably myth, but still funny :P

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In the sun today - a guy in America smashed his Ford GT (the Clarkson one), after waiting two years for it (nine miles on the clock)


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normally I'd laugh my arse off at this but I don't want to tempt fate and end up posting something similar on Saturday rather than a nice review... UHOH7.GIFROLLEY~14.GIF

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