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Launching the Q7 the Italian way


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3 days ago in Rome ......

Sitting on the Spanish Steps (as tourists tend to do) and then you hear th ever present sirens.

Along come 2 police bikes followed by ..... 3 Gallardos, then a couple of Murcielagos... then a Q7 covered in Audi stickers, followed by another couple of Lambos.

The place just erupted! They then went up one of the main shooping streets before stopping at the Piazza del Poppolo where Tom Cruise was about to get on an MTV stage to launch MI - III.

Now that's the way to get a car noticed. Got a photo of some of the Gallardos parked in the piazza that I'll try to post later. One was in the same lovely gun metal grey that the Murcielago was in Evo the other month.

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