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I've currently got a 2000my S8 with the BOSE Navi Plus with TV, Phone and CD changer. I would like to upgrade to the RNS-E but is it fairly plug and play or is there major rewiring involved?

You have to determine if your car has canbus or not. The RNS-C and RNS-D are very similar, but only the D had canbus, the C used clk/data/enable to talk to your cluster.

If your cluster has 3 connectors, blue/grey/green then it is probably can bus, and you can probably upgrade to an RNS-E.

Caveat, the directions will not show in the DIS, only the radio stations and CD tracks etc.

All the A8/S8's I have done have been 2001/2002 models with canbus and although it's a big job, it can be done.

You will also have to upgrade the TV tuner from a B to a C model if you have one.

I can do the whole job for you, PM me for details.




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You have to determine if your car has canbus or not. The RNS-C and RNS-D are very similar, but only the D had canbus, the C used clk/data/enable to talk to your cluster.

If your cluster has 3 connectors, blue/grey/green then it is probably can bus, and you can probably upgrade to an RNS-E.

Caveat, the directions will not show in the DIS, only the radio stations and CD tracks etc.

All the A8/S8's I have done have been 2001/2002 models with canbus and although it's a big job, it can be done.

You will also have to upgrade the TV tuner from a B to a C model if you have one.

I can do the whole job for you, PM me for details.


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Thanks Craig, so if I upgrade I loose the direction display feature in the instrument panel?

I was hoping it would be fairly straight forward swap of head unit with maybe a couple of cable converters, but if I need to start changing TV units as well then I may just have to live with it!



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