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CD conversion to MP3 Playlist ?

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Hey all,

Just wondering if anyone can reccomend a piece of software to convert CD's to MP3 and add tag information ? This is perparation for adding to an SD card for the RNS-E.

I use I-tunes at the moment and have a shed load of playlists setup that i'd like to copy over to the SD card. The only way i can think of in I-tunes is to burn the Playlists (theyre all CD size) and then rip the CD's to MP3 ?

I can probably extract them from the Itunes folder manually but it will be a helluva job!

Any advice much appreciated,



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I use BlazeAudio's 'RipEditBurn' does exactly what it says and you can record vinyl/cassettes etc to CD or MP3, easy to use and you can download http://www.blazeaudio.com/products/ripeditburn.html

a fully-functioning 14 day version for free - I did that with the intention of transferring all my Vinyl to CD/MP3 within the (at that time 1 month trial) trial period but I got on with it so well that I got the full version.


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