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whilst driving home tonight ny dash warning is bleeoing like crazy every 2-3 seconds and telling me "number plate light",i gets home and notice my as i park my car and the lights are shining on the car in front that they are flickering,i then remember that people have been flashing me all the way home,i go to the rear of the car to check the number plate lights and they are both on but they are very dim looking and i can hear a high pitched buzzing noise from them,the buzzing goes when i turn the lights off and so does the warnings from the dash,im puzzled does any one know what might be the problem. confused.gif

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have you changed a bulb recently?? Could be a trapped wire.

My A4 recently blew yet another brake bulb. Took it out to replace and i had bloody well trapped a wire a tiny bit last time. It was arcing and had melted some of the harness!!! blush.gif

Bit of a fix-it job and all is ok now. Will be some sort of earth / arc problem. Have a good butchers around. 169144-ok.gif

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I got a number plate bulb replaced 2 weeks ago,funny sound though,a bit like the noise you would get from a camera when you press the flash button.

I noticed today it was even happening with my lights off,the side,head and tail lights would come on then when i switched the lights on the head lights would go off but the fogs came on...weird!

I took both number plate bulbs out,cleaned them and the contacts and its away for now,hope it stays away but i dont know if ive sorted it as its intermittent to start with.

Funny that about the brake light you mentioned being replaced `again` ive changed about 5 in the year ive owned the car.

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