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moron in a scooby wrx


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This morning i have met my first muppet driving a scooby.

Most of the people i have come across have been careful but they know they can overtake so do.

This muppet was dangerously overtaking on blind bends and on crests of hills but what really pissed me off was when he jumped the lights and almost took out a car coming across the junction.

He was first in the que (after all his antics) and was reving his car like a moron. He obviously knows the pattern of the lights because as the cars from our right started to move he was creeping forward. As the final few cars were filtering through the lights he launched his car of the line through our red light and because he had set off at such a pace he almost collected a lady i a micra that was at the back of the line. He only just managed to slam on his brakes in time to not hit her fekr.gif.

As our lights went green i followed him up the road and he was waving his hands about in the car and reving his engine like made obviously peed off that the lady in the micra had driven through her green light. It was like watching a child throwing a tantrom because someone had taken their toy. It got worse as the traffic infront of him turned off the road leving a nice space for him to play in but he almost drove straight into the back of a stationary lorry at the next set of lights. He hit the brakes so late and so hard he actually left tyre marks on the road.

I warn anyone in norwich that there is a Blue xreg wrx being driven by a prat that probably this morning is going to kill himself and maybe others as well. Be careful.

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I was waiting to come out of meadow way he was infront of me. Main road is the A140 cromer road. if i go straight across you go up Fifers lane. right near the airport. 169144-ok.gif

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Ah, yep, know where you mean. I work just off Fifers Lane, but I'm on the other side of the A140 169144-ok.gif

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