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Servicing schedule

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My car (52'reg 130tdi golf) flagged up a little while ago saying its service was due.

Just been looking through my old records and its come up spot on 10K miles done since the last one.

This wouldn't normally be a problem but its on variable servicing and this wouldn't normally be a problem as I could get the dealer to sort it out but this happens everytime I get it done!! sportifs2.gif

I 'think' they're using the right oil as I'm getting invoiced for the expensive stuff so why can't they get this right?

Any things I should watch out for and are there any downsides to them having to reset my counter again?


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Go back to the dealer who did it and ask them why your car has been reset on a fixed service schedule rather than a variable opne. they should fix it for free. Also, check the oil spec, I think it's 502.01 for pd oil. Actually, I'm not sure, but I thik the pd oil is .01 different than non-pd oil!!

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