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I hate fair weather Power-Rangers!!


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The road that runs past my house is a dead-end residential road that is yet to be properly surfaced as they are still building the last few houses at the end.

Picture the scene:-

Just before 4pm on a sunny schoolday. Small groups of school kids meandering back home up the road, having to cross it to get to their respective house's.

Enter 3 complete tw@ts fully suited-up in Power Ranger suits, colour matched to their bikes, who have decided this is the perfect time and place to start pulling power wheelies. openfire.gif

I used to ride a ZX9R every day, and I was no angel, but at least I made sure it was only me I was risking. The same is true for the majority of bikers. But it's the part-time muppet squad that seem to give bikers a bad name. NONO3.GIF

\End Rant

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I'm a fair weather power ranger!

I can't do wheelies, and my bike stops picking up oil above 30 degrees, so I can't "Hoist a Minger" as Shakey would say.

And my leathers are tasteful black affairs with silver and white highlights... Coupled with my white lid and my lights always on, about half of the motorists I encounter check whether I'm a copper!

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