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Condi says


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Maybe but....

Condi has yet to say anything of consequence (other than the incorrect "...smoking gun will be a mushroom cloud") as other folks are driving the bus.

She continues to not impress me.

It's all "Blahblahblahblah North Korea is a concern", "Yip-yip-yip-yip Iran has to respond to the global community", "Yaddayaddayadda situation in Iraq is troubling"

Platitudes & banality.

Shut-up, woman, and show me your hooters. tongue.gif

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Have to add this:


"'Condeleeza Rice'? 'Condeleeza Rice'?!

Sounds like a Mexican dish.

Maybe we should put her on a plate and send her to Mexico so the Mexicans will eat her!"

- Dave Chappelle

[/ QUOTE ]

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