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steering still out? VW customer servive rubbish!!


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Hi all

after no help at the local stealers and still after havin the tracking done my steering wheel is still out! i think by one notch!!

Id taken the car in on 2 days ago to local vw who took it in and said theyd look at the tracking about £40 in total only to be told to return at 5pm to pick itup returned at 4.30pm i asked for the chap who served me said it was taken out at lunchtime and said they didnt have a tracking machine working!!!!(sound s like they have the cast f seasame street working there!)

I then said to the assistant what have you actually been doing all day !!!ladeda etc ive taken time out of work to come down here!luckily i wasnt charged for this i wouldnt have paid for it anyway!!

Then went to to a seperate tyre fitter to have tracking done and the steering is still out by one notch im beginning to think its case of REMOVING WHEEL AND REPALCING IT ONE NOTCH TO THE LEFT! I have now checked into another vw dealers on the 18th may to see what they can do just to be certain being on the phone line kept on hold for 10 minutes is unbelievable!!

any thoughts on this??

deep blue R32 3 door (dont know how long for after this weeks rubbish customer service experience)

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The tracking was adjusted on my old VR6 by some tyre fitters, which left the wheel 'off center'

In the end I bit the bullet and paid VW to line everything up properly and as Tspar says it was about 70-80 quid. They have probably adjusted the track rods unevenly.

I think as has already been mentioned, it should not be necessary to move the wheel on the splines as this would screw up the ESP sensors.

So definately find a VW dealer who can sort it out

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