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Convertible Owners - Your Best & Worst Experiences


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I'm spurred on to ask this for a number of reasons.

Firstly, let me explain the question...

What is the best experience - in terms of comments, shouts or walk-by-chatter that you've had in your car when you've had the hood down. Then, what is the worst experience you've had in terms of abuse, shouts, or smartarse comments from people with the hood down.

The reason I ask this is that I think comments vary depending on the type of car and the age of the driver - and not necessarily on the way it is being driven or whether people can hear the music coming from the car (if that's your thing).

Since I got the 6 in August I have had generally good experiences. However, I did get a bit of abuse on Thursday. Parked at a junction waiting to pull out in Northumberland, with the hood down, a council van pulled up alongside to turn left. His exit was clear - as he pulled away he shouted 'Fecking pr1ck'. Fortunately I had time to shout back 'Feck off ugly twat' which changed the look on his face somewhat and he drove off without replying further.

I wouldn't normally react but this guy annoyed me because I was doing nothing but sitting in a convertible car at a junction, minding my own business, in very sunny weather. There is just no need for it. I did think about ringing the council and reporting it - but hey, why waste my time.

Anyway, it pales into insignificance in general as I have had nothing other than positive experiences at other times. I've had lots of nice comments in my current and previous cars and they far outweigh the negatives of the odd idiot here and there.

I certainly received more abuse when I had the M3 Convertible. That said, even that wasn't too bad. I once had a Citroen Picasso driver pull alongside and ask "what else did Daddy buy you?" and then do his best to get away as soon as possible. Very odd. I also had a HGV driver try throwing the contents of his flask at the car rather incredibly - but the silly bugger hit his enlarged wing mirror instead! He then proceeded to shout a string of obscenities for some reason. Presumably it just wasn't his day.

By far and away the worst abuse I have ever received was in the times when I owned a Mazda MX-5 which was followed by an MGF VVC(yes, I'm better now, don't worry, the MGF was mistake).

I used to get all kinds of abuse in the MX-5 (this was back in 1994), and from all kinds of people too for some reason. I was much younger of course, and I wonder if people think younger drivers are easier targets even if they're driving responsibly. Personally I still love the look of any MX-5 and love to see them with the hoods down because it reminds me of many a pleasant motoring memory. Perhap's it was because they weren't as common as sight back then as they are now - I'm really not sure.

I've never come across a Convertible of any form and felt the need to hurl abuse at it for the sake of it. I've passed comment on an Astra Convertible before but that was because it was packed full of young lads who had music blasting out at full volume and were being a bunch of arses to people walking on the pavement.

So what about you A4 Cab drivers, you Boxster, TT and MX-5 owners? I'd also like to know, with honest answers, what owners of other cars think when they see Convertible's with their hoods down?

They do seem to bring out the worst in some people and I've no idea why. confused.gif

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Interesting thread MrMe - I was thinking similar things the other day. In the A4 cab I had absolutely no hassle - people would look at it, wave me out of junctions, just generally be nice to me. OK, well, usually male drivers I admit but they were still nice to me. wink.gif I did used to feel slightly vulnerable in it though if I was ever stuck in traffic in a dodgy area with the roof down and then lots of people would just "stare" and I always had this fear one of them might get in with me!

I get lots more hassle in the MX-5 - people see slightly older car, female in it, and assume you can't drive and are a numpty with no clue apart from putting the roof down. I get raced by everything under the sun if the roof is down - especially vans. A woman in a 307 TDi thing cut me up at some traffic lights pushing in from the outside lane the other night and then waved her finger at me. Guaranteed to wind me up - she was surprised when I undertook her and her piece of crap at the next island and waved my finger at her in return out of my open roof. cool.gif Yes, indeed, madam my MX-5 may be ten years old but its nimble RWD ability will out do your pile of dung.gif any day, especially as you can't drive it.

Best thing about the MX-5 though - other MX-5 drivers with the roof down! Everyone smiles and nods at you! Fabulous! 169144-ok.gif

I think people's reaction to the 6 will be built on a bit of envy usually, and roof down cars always attract more attention so brings out the worse in folk I think. frown.gif

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I must admit I have passed comment under my breath about a 50-odd year old in a baseball cap driving a Z3 (poss Z4, can't remember) driving through Nottingham city centre. He just looked like a desperate posing twat, but then I do sort of know him and he is a bit of a sad case.

I can't understand what it is with people in this country, I suppose it just comes down to jealousy.

Of course it's not just convertibles. A colleague who has a 54-plate A3 in black copped for a load of abuse one day, along the lines of, "just because you drive an Audi doesn't mean you can do what you like...".

The world is full of people with chips on their shoulders.

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My car certainly seems to attract plenty of looks, although less so now there are more A4 Cabs about. I do think mine is a particularly striking colour though, especially the way it contrasts with the alloy surround around the screen and waistband.

No abuse yet, but maybe the Audi is a little less "in your face" than a bright yellow M3 Cab or a big 6 Series? Did get squirted by a water pistol in the summer once from a bunch of lads going the other way in a Corsa. I think they were out for a laugh on a hot day picking off soft top drivers.

The most interesting response I get to the car is from the kids that live near me and are outside on the street as I drive home. I live in a fairly modest neighbourhood and there aren't many (ok, any) newish premium cabs, one or two 3 Series coupes or C Class Mercs maybe. Anyway, in the summer they're always calling out "Nice car mate" and stuff as I drive past.

Best one was a young lad, must have been about six or seven I guess, as I drove by he shouted at the top of his voice "Soft tops rock!!" grin.gif

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Best thing about the MX-5 though - other MX-5 drivers with the roof down! Everyone smiles and nods at you! Fabulous! 169144-ok.gif

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That remains one of my favourite things about the MX-5. The owner to owner waves, nods, flashes etc - they were fantastic. For every 10 on the road at least 8 would acknowledge you. Those that didn't were usually lone females mind you!

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Best thing about the MX-5 though - other MX-5 drivers with the roof down! Everyone smiles and nods at you! Fabulous! 169144-ok.gif

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That remains one of my favourite things about the MX-5. The owner to owner waves, nods, flashes etc - they were fantastic. For every 10 on the road at least 8 would acknowledge you. Those that didn't were usually lone females mind you!

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Its closer to about 1 in 10 now frown.gif

I always get a wave from the girl in another Racing Bronze Mk2 whenever I see her in Marlborough though 169144-ok.gif

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Best one was a young lad, must have been about six or seven I guess, as I drove by he shouted at the top of his voice "Soft tops rock!!" grin.gif

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I think that's exactly the sort of comment that makes up for the rare negatives.

In my road there are a few kids, but not many. The ones that there are usually ride their bikes past the end of the drive whilst I am washing the 6 and usually say something such as "Smart car mister" or they'll stop and talk to themselves about it (the funniest conversation being one of them saying to the other "it's a Porsche"!). yelrotflmao.gif

I've also had a hen party of women in their 30's walk alongside the car on Whitley Bay seafront and ask if I wanted to join them in a rather, ermmm, blunt fashion. That was tempting but judging by the fact that they could hardly walk in a straight line I'd suggest they'd have said it to anyone!

I've also been at lights in Tynemouth and had a group of lads shout "Oi, you in the 6-series, give us a wave". I didn't...for fear it was a set-up that would receive a torrent of abuse. Then they repeated it so I just put my hand up very briefly and was amazed to see them return it with a plethora of thumbs up signs and "Cool car mate". Made my day that.

However, perhaps the nicest and best I've ever felt was gently rumbling past in traffic in Cullercoats. A couple in their 40's were walking along the pavement and as I walked by the woman said "Ooooo I like that!". The male replied "Oooo BMW 6 series convertible, yes very nice". They then kept alongside the car with their normal walking pace as the traffic was ambling slowly along. I heard a few more comments and the one that really made me smile was her saying "That's special, that's just really special and classy".

I went through the rest of the day with a huge smile on my face after that and it makes up for any d1ckhead in his van losing control of his senses for a moment. 169144-ok.gif

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Only convertible I've had was a Spitfire a few years ago. For a little while it was my only car. Being an old (classic?) car, I guess it tended to get a different response than a brand new flashy Audi/BMW. Always got a wave and a nod from other Triumph drivers, and even a few MGBs.

Funniest comment overall was, "You mad bastard!". Yes it was pissing down and I had the roof down, but what he didn't realise was a) it leaked, and b) it blew open anyway above about 45mph... grin.gif

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Funniest comment overall was, "You mad bastard!". Yes it was pissing down and I had the roof down, but what he didn't realise was a) it leaked, and b) it blew open anyway above about 45mph... grin.gif

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I got some funny looks driving along the M4 at 70mph while it was pissing it down, it was sunny when I left my parents house UHOH7.GIF

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You can stop and put the hood up you know JT.... yelrotflmao.gif

I have to hand it to you though, you're a hardcore convertible hood-down motorist without doubt from what I recall. 169144-ok.gif

I remember driving through the North Yorkshire Moors at 11pm one summers evening with the hood down in the dark. The temperature was about 14 degrees still, I had the heaters on too and the sky was full of stars - fantastic drive. cool.gif

Note - the above was in my MX-5 days. The MX-5 does seem to bring out the 'hood down anytime' in everyone!

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I'm spurred on to ask this for a number of reasons.

Firstly, let me explain the question...

What is the best experience - in terms of comments, shouts or walk-by-chatter that you've had in your car when you've had the hood down. Then, what is the worst experience you've had in terms of abuse, shouts, or smartarse comments from people with the hood down.

The reason I ask this is that I think comments vary depending on the type of car and the age of the driver - and not necessarily on the way it is being driven or whether people can hear the music coming from the car (if that's your thing).

Since I got the 6 in August I have had generally good experiences. However, I did get a bit of abuse on Thursday. Parked at a junction waiting to pull out in Northumberland, with the hood down, a council van pulled up alongside to turn left. His exit was clear - as he pulled away he shouted 'Fecking pr1ck'. Fortunately I had time to shout back 'Feck off ugly twat' which changed the look on his face somewhat and he drove off without replying further.

I wouldn't normally react but this guy annoyed me because I was doing nothing but sitting in a convertible car at a junction, minding my own business, in very sunny weather. There is just no need for it. I did think about ringing the council and reporting it - but hey, why waste my time.

Anyway, it pales into insignificance in general as I have had nothing other than positive experiences at other times. I've had lots of nice comments in my current and previous cars and they far outweigh the negatives of the odd idiot here and there.

I certainly received more abuse when I had the M3 Convertible. That said, even that wasn't too bad. I once had a Citroen Picasso driver pull alongside and ask "what else did Daddy buy you?" and then do his best to get away as soon as possible. Very odd. I also had a HGV driver try throwing the contents of his flask at the car rather incredibly - but the silly bugger hit his enlarged wing mirror instead! He then proceeded to shout a string of obscenities for some reason. Presumably it just wasn't his day.

By far and away the worst abuse I have ever received was in the times when I owned a Mazda MX-5 which was followed by an MGF VVC(yes, I'm better now, don't worry, the MGF was mistake).

I used to get all kinds of abuse in the MX-5 (this was back in 1994), and from all kinds of people too for some reason. I was much younger of course, and I wonder if people think younger drivers are easier targets even if they're driving responsibly. Personally I still love the look of any MX-5 and love to see them with the hoods down because it reminds me of many a pleasant motoring memory. Perhap's it was because they weren't as common as sight back then as they are now - I'm really not sure.

I've never come across a Convertible of any form and felt the need to hurl abuse at it for the sake of it. I've passed comment on an Astra Convertible before but that was because it was packed full of young lads who had music blasting out at full volume and were being a bunch of arses to people walking on the pavement.

So what about you A4 Cab drivers, you Boxster, TT and MX-5 owners? I'd also like to know, with honest answers, what owners of other cars think when they see Convertible's with their hoods down?

They do seem to bring out the worst in some people and I've no idea why. confused.gif

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I know what you mean. I feel a but self-consious in our mx5 (mind you, its covered in scumball stickers etc), but as I normally have a daughter in tow, we don;t get any abuse, just thumbs up. Funniest thing was when an alderly neighbour said "ooooh, look, a ferrari !". I don;t like parking it anywhere dodgy, but other than that, I have had no abuse. Colleagues who call it gay get reminded that I own a (relatively) macho golf gti, and a distinctly hetro V70 with a boot full of crap. (Got a pic of the MX5 if anyone is interested, logo'd up etc). 169144-ok.gif

PS - Actually, I think we get no abuse in the '5' because its so old and looks daft, people don't feel threatened. When we had a 5 series, we got some earache, I think its an image thing.

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Worst - Lots!

In town traffic, I pulled alongside a (parked) car and had to sit there waiting for the lights to change. The came back to her car, started it up, rolled down the window and yelled "you fecking pink shirted poof, get the feck out of our town!" (that's why you don't go to tonbridge UHOH7.GIF )

I got a lot of "hairdresser" and "mum's car" type comments, but lots to make up for it too..

Took out the hottest girl for lunch in London, and we're cruising about with the top down, cool tunes going, having a laugh, car all polished. Stop next to a bus at the lights and the bus driver looks down and says "you bastard" then gives a massive thumbs up grin.gif

And when this girl (who had a yellow ducatti 748 heart.gif ):


told me that the car was her favourite & looked cool and stuff. PS. She was a nice girl, not what you'd expect from a glamour model!

Associated 'oh my god' comments from chicks, and 'hairdresser' coments from my mates (it had 'hairdresser' written in the dirt for a while. I bet I loked sooooo cool cool.gifyelrotflmao.gif

I did feel quite self concious lowering the hood at first, but pretty soon I didn't care what people thought! Did anyone else feel this?


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Ahh but an MX5 doesn't have a 3.2 or a merc badge tongue.gif

She was one of the benifits of going to Halfords on a staurday, and my god could she drive! I was alllways asking her for a race & she'd allways say that she didn't race cars. After a while she (reluctantly) agreed, and EEK2.GIF I didn't see which way she went.. much to the amusement of my mate!

I saw her race a 450bhp cossie with a massive black bloke (the ones who don't smile, but just stare you out) she destroyed him too. cool.gif

PS. MrMe, was the Ducati a nice bike? Reliable etc? sekret.gif

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The most interesting response I get to the car is from the kids that live near me and are outside on the street as I drive home. I live in a fairly modest neighbourhood and there aren't many (ok, any) newish premium cabs, one or two 3 Series coupes or C Class Mercs maybe. Anyway, in the summer they're always calling out "Nice car mate" and stuff as I drive past.

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Lol, I had pretty much the same from the kids in my culdesac when I arrived home in the Cab for the first time SMOKE6.GIF Not had any abuse so far, lots of ladies gawping at me while cruising around which is always nice. smirk.gif

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