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[Audi A3/S3] Car Still Not Sorted


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So the coil pack got changed for cylinder 2..and it idled fine... took it for a spin today and there is something else wrong

When i hit 3K RPM it judders and there is power loss frown.gif

I took it to 6th gear and there was NO power when i put my foot down whatsoever

Please tell me this is not the turbo

Any ideas people?? Another Coil pack on its way? (i am going to change them next week)

Thank you yet again


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Yeh i have a feeling it could be another CP.. what are the odds of 2 going at the same time?? lol

Also this has different symptoms slightly as it idles perfect, and if i rev it stationary is sounds perfect, only when it drives does it F up

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Well, when mine blew out I checked the plugs and it was obvious that one of them was fouled (Forget which cylinder) I told this to the mechanic and when I picked the car back up it turned out that while the one cylinder was obviously misfiring, it was a DIFFERENT coilpack throwing the fault code smashfreakB.gif If they're NOT the "L" revision and it's not prohibitively expensive, I'd recommend replacing all four (or the other 3 for you) 169144-ok.gif

Just my 2¢ beerchug.gif

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