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ipod link question...


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a few questions to kick off

1- does anyone know the price of vw install

2- is it fitted in glove box

3- do you lose the screen display when plugged in cause it will be charging then..i think confused.gif

4- is it better than the itrip i already have?

thanks folks

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I can only answer from an Audi install angle:

1. £185 plus VAT at the dealers

2. yes, the cable feeds into the glove box

3. Do you mean the display on the ipod itself? No - not on Audi - when playing it tells you the track that is playing. But only on the ipod, not on the interface with the head unit or DIS - that just says Track Number and Playlist.

4. Is the itrip the one that uses a radio channel? I prefer mine as the radio one I used was so temperamental and I would often get other folks' ipods on my stereo!

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yes i mean the display on the ipod....i've been told on bmw's you lose the screen display and only get a track number displayed...not the titles..

the itrip transmits an fm frequency...but you do get alot of background noise with it....

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